
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:45:10
open isp file fail could not open file 是什么意思? 迷语which letter can we see with Which letter can see something?哪个字母可以看见东西 which letter can eat?which letter can eat?中文是什么 写出下列字母.1.which letter can fly?2 In which letter can you swim?3.What letter can we eat where is backpack the letter read like this I read this letter as quickly as possible.同义句I read this letter as quickly as possible.同义句 The Sawyers were watching TY at 8 yesterday evening.一般疑问句,肯否回答 My cousin is as old as me.同义句 He is a pilot,too.否定 23.Please ______ the letter of credit to read “Allowing Transshipment”.填空题, Boys and girls are diffevent.变2个同义句 Please give me a flower.的反义句. Where's my backpack?Where's the backpack?It's on the chair.Where are the pencil case and the notebooks?They're in the backpack.Where's the computer?It'son the desk.帮我看下答句对不对Are my books on the chair?Yes,they are.Is your ruler in the Where's my backpack? Where's My Script? 天山高天山险天山就在我面前,是什么歌的歌词 天山为甚麽叫天山 Oh,the boy is a bit noisy,but anyhow a nice boy.请问用anyhow这样的表达地道吗? somehow 和 anyhow 的区别.最好能几个例子进行详细说明,请知道的朋友指点一下. anyhow是什么意思? anyway与anyhow可否看作同义词 Please Read The Letter 歌词 Add a photo of yourself是什么意思 a photo of oneself 天龙八部2 90天山的会心究竟有多高?一个天山,加点全加身法,加到90后,会心能达到多少?(前提是不算手工 石头) 为什么同样是加点88天山比83天山高那麽多总共高出40多 求:带“斌”和“姗”,可以谐音,成语、短句或者是诗句都可以.小女不才,一直没想到什么好听的,我只想到“叁千宠爱”(因为姗的小名是叁).“斌斌有你”、 “灯火阑姗处”最好是褒义的 征集带“尘、姗、叶、心”四字成语或经典词语如题,同音的也行,最好是:尘/叶/心十姗,这样的.不一定是成语,但必须四个字,经典有意韵的四字词语也可以.就这样了,跪求各位大大带着智慧与 Please give the apple____him. he was banned from entering the town 为什么enter要加Ing enter是不是直接加ing? i preferred the title of reporter为什么prefer要加red?那如果不是过去式,就改为prefer可以吗?就解释为现在可以吗??