
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:36:25
汉语拼音字母表的顺序 一定要正确! 概率问题 这里的C括号是什么意思 联想笔记本后面的括号英文A C D H T Y470N-ITH(A) Y470N-ITH(H) Y470N-ITH(L) Y470N-ITH(C) Y470N-ITH(D) Y470N-ITH(T)我知道是不同的型号 我的意思是 联想为什么不搞123456 要用A H L C D T 我看考研英语,例如一个词background,它的词义这样写;(1)背景,底色(c),后面是例句.(2)背景情况(c/u),后面又是例句.请问括号里面的c和c/u是什么意思啊? c( )( )n,括号里填什么, 1) Z服从标准正态分布,Z=1.85,求P(X≤Z)2) Z服从标准正态分布,P(X≤Z)=0.49,求Z值3) X服从N(5,62),求P(X≤9)4) X服从N(5,42),P(X≤x0)=0.83,求x0值5) t服从t(14),求P(t9)6) t服从t(14),P(t≤t0)=0.35,求t0值 excel和统计学软件做统计分析有区别吗? 有关统计学回归的问题.请各位EXCEL工具中有数据分析的,分别用线性(y=a+bx)双曲函数(y=a+b/x)和二次函数(y=a+b1x+b2x'2)为单位成本与月产量的关系建立回归曲线,比较检验结果.单位成本 月 若函数f(x)、g(x)都是奇函数,F(x)=af(x)+bg(x)+2在区间(0,正无穷)上有最大值5,则f(x)在区间(负无穷,0),上有()A.最小值-5 B.最大值-5 C.最小值-1 D.最大值-3 f(x+1)判断奇偶性的问题时 应该是把整体带负号 还是 只是X 代负号 我搞混了~.. 根据括号部分提问1.I’m (reading quietly.)2.That boy over there is (Tom)3.He has gym (at 2:00)4.There’s (a )crab next to the dolphin5.There’s (some salad) on the table.6.I bought (a pen)7.The went to (the zoo).8.The story was (exciting).9 对括号内的内容提问Tom is (very popular but he is a little bit strict)_______ _______ Tom ________? 用C语言编程求一个整数各个数的和的问题main(){ int n,sum=0; printf("请输入任意一个整数:"); scanf("%d",&n); while(n!=0) { sum+=n%10; n=n/10; } printf("其各个位数之和为%d\n",sum);关键的地方不是很明白,就是 对括号部分提问?The young lady often flies (to New York.)The students play basketball (in the afternoon ) 对括号里的部分提问He has (a soccer ball).We have (a baskerball).His parents have (a car)(Our) English teacher has a yellow coat. 统计学估计的可靠性与估计的精度一个意思吗? 统计学Z score 有何意义,是如何计算出来的 统计学;四分位数怎么算? 准确度在统计学中用什么衡量? 请问如何求两个定积分相乘 两个无极限线函数相乘得到一个有极限的函数,举个例子 The weather in New York is very cold可以换成New York is very cold而意思不变吗 New York is very cold是否为一个病句? the weather is very cold today(变感叹句)( )cold weather it is today顺便把感叹句说一下 就括号内提问I get up at ( 6 )every morning.( )do you get up every morning? 括号内的提问They will have a meeting (in the meeting room ) tomorrow 对括号内的部分提问.(That man)is my grandfather. 对括号内内容提问They have been here since (this morning)They have been there (for three hours)He went (to the cinema) last weekJohn’s birthday party lasted (about three hours) 对括号内的内容进行提问I usually (go out to play games with my friends ) when it's snowy._______ _______ _________ usually ______ when it's snowy. 对括号里内容的提问The park is (south of the hospital).There are three traffic lights (in the city).You can go to the park (by bike).She sees (some farmer) when she is walking to shool. 碳酸钙由什么粒子构成 一个碳酸钙微粒是由什么构成的,碳酸钙是晶体还是非晶体.如果是离子构成,那么碳酸钙就可以成为熔融态,也就是说,它有熔点。但是碳酸钙不是受热易分解吗?我刚完成了受教育的义务 臭氧构成的微粒是什么(用符号表示)