
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:17:08
( ) 22.He is the only one of the students who _____ a winner of scholarship for three years.怎么不用A啊A.is B.areC.have been D.has been( ) 23._____ of my brothers are reporters.Covering events,meetings,or sports meetings ______ their dut slow down怎么读 the family () ()I am staying with lives in town从语法的角度分析下 hi,i'm a slow chinese typer,so if you can read my english,then we can be 在英语中有n的结尾后跟元音都连读吗 赫兹伯格的双因素理论区分了两大类影响人们工作的因素,一类是与工作环境和条件相关的保健因素,这些因素处理不好,员工就会感到不满,即使解决了也只是没有不满而已;一类是与工作本身 What do you think of the matter?This is a matter of ____ importance,I think.A.especial B.fairly C.rather D.special请翻译 还有A和D有何区别还有可以修饰比较级的词有哪些?有quite吗It is good to win but it is____ more important to When he was in America ,he stayed with an American family ,that is to say ,he had a family a______. That'S Where I'M Coming From 歌词 初中物理—电源负极可以和开关连接在一起吗?为什么? They are the ____(twin) bedroom .根据提示写单词我觉得用twins'bedroom,仔细一辨觉得语句不通啊!似乎主语不应该是 They This bedroom is different from that one The bedroom isn't ------- --------- ------- that one. 一个调查问卷,1.初中生活是怎样的?请分别从初中老师、小学老师以及学长们的角度回答, His cousins are very polite.对very polite提问 when the earthquake come back,we can do better than them/ 为什么主句不用将来时? What is your definition to "Accountability"? What is your definition to "Accountability"?要回答这个问题,应该怎么回答呢? 以What does accountability mean?Why is it relevant to us?写一篇英语作文.400字 be stuck be stuck for的中文意思 stuck on nothing 是我什么都不在意 不关心的意思吗 在那儿,用筷子指着别人是不礼貌的.英文怎么说 我们认为在中国用筷子指人是不礼貌 这句话怎么翻译 the TEMP VIDEO FILE RT 在VC中运行程序时为什么说the file does not exist?程序是#include"stdio.h"mian(){int n;printf("输入一个年份/n");scantf("%d",&n);if((n%4==0&&n%100!=0)||(n%400==0));printf("是闰年");elseprintf("是平年");} be riddled 大学生如何自学四级英语听力由于高中没有听力 而到大学后又开始考听力 所以听力很糟糕现想自学听力 请提供一些方法 本人已有硬件为电脑 手机也可以根据你给出的答案来购买相应书籍&# 淡若如水繁体怎么写 小孩学英语不知该从何处学起 发光笔.这样的笔是利用旋转产生的不稳定离心运动,使在两头的线圈切割磁感线发电而使发光二极管发光的. 发光笔.这样的笔是利转笔产生的不稳定离心运动,使在两头的线圈切割磁感线发电而使发光二极管发光的 毛泽动东的意义