
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:12:54
小狗去野地里玩,身上沾满带刺的圆球形的植物,我们本地名叫麻辣子, 学名叫什么?清明节扫墓看到了些,是种晒干了的植物,人穿着衣服过去,也会带着一身都是,很多人说泡茶喝能治疗鼻炎,也不 Linda seldom had a walk after supper,______?A.hadn't she B.had she C.didn't she D.did she She didn't study for the test,_____she copied others' answer.A.but B.because C.instead D.although on computer play he the yesterday(英语句子排列) 淋巴因子是由T细胞还是效应T细胞分泌的? humans是human的复数么? ………………真的不会题,不是很难!想出来了吧!就不敢写!你这到为啥把?是因为!我怕做错了。 It is _he had to send his brother to hospital _he was late.横线上填的是because和that. We all went to the park e_____ Danny yesterday.Because he was doing his homework. To___his sick mother,Davide goes to the hospital after work everyday. A.take charge of B.take hold of C.take care of D.take the place of 浣溪沙 苏轼中子规和唱黄鸡各是什么意思 浣溪沙 游蕲水清泉寺.寺临兰溪,溪水西流① 苏轼 山下兰芽短浸溪,松间沙路净无泥.萧萧暮雨子规啼 意思错了,是整首诗的意思 男孩叫自己的生殖器小鸡鸡女孩自己叫的生殖器是什么女的应该知道不是b什么的叫好听点就像小鸡鸡而不是叫屌 英语翻译It's pretty well known by now that the Internet,for all its world-flattening glory,is a destroyer of businesses without parallel.不要机翻………… 为什么human加s构成复数形式man的复数是men woman 的复数是weman Snowman 复数是snowmen 还有很多类似的 为啥human加s呢 human这个词是单数还是复数?如果塔本身就是复数的话,那么为什么还可以加S 小明一直被同学嘲笑她心里有阴影,请问小明心里的阴影.面积是多少? 浣溪沙 山下兰芽短浸溪,松间沙路净无泥.萧萧暮雨子规啼.谁道人生无再少?门前流水尚1."山下兰芽短浸溪"一句的“浸”字既写出___,又突出了兰草____的勃勃生机.2.这首诗上阕写景,描绘了三幅 浣溪沙 阅读答案 山下兰芽短浸溪,松间沙路净无泥.萧萧暮雨子规啼.谁道人生无再少? 门前流水尚能西,休本词表达了漂泊在外的游子对家乡亲人的思念之情.你认为词中的哪一处句子最能突出 英语翻译eighteen-year-old damon miller was shot dead when he was playing basketball on saturday afternoon .the gunman ,who called himself ace ,ran south on oak street after the shooting .the doctors did not arrive at once because they were busy s shall we make some signs 汉语意思是什么? We should buy some products made ___ recycled materials. We should ask _____ some questions before making decisions.A.we B.our C.us D.ourselves 浣溪沙苏轼山下兰芽短浸溪,松间沙路净无泥,萧萧暮雨子规啼. 翻译It's said that to lose a client much easier than go get one. 太阳像火球,火辣辣地照着大地.(照样子写比喻句) dont you love me怎么回答意思才是我爱你yes,i do还是no,i do还是no,i dont还是yes,i dont? “萧萧暮雨子规啼”是什么意思? 萧萧暮雨子规啼体现了怎样的环境特点 强烈的阳光火辣辣的照射着广阔的田野,怎么改成比喻句 John sits behind Mary,but in front of me.So John sits__ Mary__meA next to;to B next;besideC between;andD opposite;at 天下第一家 人人都爱它 人前他最小 春季开白花 打四个姓