
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:07:07
帮忙求下这三个极限 要用洛必达法则 已知二次函数的顶点坐标为(1.4),且其图像经过点(-2.-5),求此二次函数的解析式 Sample Question是什么意思? 要在墙上开一个上部为半圆,下部为矩形的窗户(如图所示),在窗框总长度为l的条件下,(1)请写出窗户的面积S与圆的直径x的函数关系;(2)要使窗户透光面积最大,窗户应具有怎样的尺寸? It's a test question!test .要在墙上开一个上半部为半圆形,下部为矩形的窗户(如下图所示),在窗框为定长的条件下,要使窗户能够透过要在墙上开一个上半部为半圆形,下部为矩形的窗户(如下图所示),在窗框为定长 two choice questionshe was a young woman.The woman was _____.a.a youth b.young c.a young d.youthshe heard planes _______ overhead.a.pass b.to pass c.to passing d.in passing麻烦说明下, 要在墙上开一个上半部分圆形下半部分为矩形的窗户,如图所示,在窗框为定长l的条件下,要使窗户要在墙上开一个上半部分圆形下半部分为矩形的窗户,如图所示http://hi.baidu.com/%BA%AF%CA%FD__/album/ 在△ABC中,∠C=90°,4b²+3c²;=4√3bc,能否求出∠A的度数 商店运进红,蓝,白气球共125个,其中红气球的个数是黄气球的2倍,白气球比黄气球多5个.红黄白气球各几个, 设计带式输送机传动装置中的一级圆柱齿轮减速器 运输带工作拉力F=2.1KN;带速V=1.6m/s; 卷筒直径450mm Please help translate the following sentence,thank you!If you risk nothing,then you risk everything. Please translate the following sentences for me.thank you!There is a period around weaning that is presumably critical for the maturation of the host immune system in terms of immune deviation. ( )两个不同重量的铁球同时从高处落下来,总是同时着地,( )铁球往下落得速度跟铁 球的轻重没有关系.(1)、括号填上一个恰当的关联词(2)、这句话含有两层意思,第一层意思是啥呢?( ) 两个不同重量的铁球同时从高处落下来,总是同时着地,铁球往下落的速度跟铁球的轻重没有关系. 用多种方法计算下面图形的面积.(单位:cm)请用3种求法 求下面图形的面积,用多种方法列式.(长度单位:厘米) pls help to translate following sentences"any advantage,favor,privilege or immunity granted by contracting party to any product originating in or destined for any other country shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like product ori 清明节的英语手抄报急用 半个小时之内必须要 急 有关清明节用英语的英语手抄报 清明节的英语手抄报[英语的] 清明节英语手抄报 Please help translate the following sentences into Chinese,thanks a lot.It is hereby certified that the product indicated above conforms to our standard internal specifications for the designated material.This certification is subject to our standard Please help translate the following sentences into Chinese.Thanks a lo.tAs a relief I requested 100 sets to ship on 06Jul,the rest can be shipped on 13Jul,but again this is rejected,reason I am getting is problems to allocate production time soon eno Help to translate the following sentences into Chinese(About Air cooler)This temperature(Winter Minimum Design Temperatures) is also used to determine driver power requirement where it is mandatory for the driver to be capable of operation at the low 总说骚年骚年的 阿骚的“骚”字是否是引领时尚的意思? in the fall 一般怎么用的';;;;;;;;? in the fall跟in autumn 一样吗,是一个意思吗为什么在同一篇文章会有这两种表达为什么一个加the一个不加,固定用法吗? Falling in the The leaves fall in fall.什么意思?大哥大姐一定要帮帮我,急!是作业! 若动点M到定点(1,-2)的距离与到定直线Y=X-3的距离相等,那么动点M的轨迹方程为?