
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:02:30
forty-nine序数词 ninety - nine and forty is( ). nine序数词 把一个量程为5 mA的电流表改装成欧姆表R×1挡,电流表的内阻是50 Ω,电池的电动势是1.5 V,经过调零之后测电阻,当欧姆表指针指到满偏3/4的位置时,被测电阻的阻值是()A.50 Ω 为什么 leg 和 letter 中音标 e 的发音不一样呢?我是说 leg 里边 发 ei 的音letter 里的第一个e 发 ai 的音 Try to save,the first lovely girl of my life.I can't drop you,though i said "i will not" 为什么leg和letter(第一个e)中音标e的发音不一样呢? the first impression of you in my mind is you are a kindly girl You are the first one I want to take a lifetime to guard girl.请问怎么翻译谢谢了 Can you be my girl friend with my life在哪里有这首歌的MP3地址?我想下呢,请知道的告知,谢谢! Your sockS are white.(用black连成选择疑问句) It's twenty-five dollars(对twenty-five dollars提问) 你的童年快乐吗对话 英语 crazy甚麽意思!怎麽发音呀?girl crazy是甚麽意思呀 leg怎么读 帮个忙 把一个多项式变形为两数和(差)的平方形式叫作配方法.用配方法也能因式分解,如a^2+10a+9原式=【a^+10a+(2分之10)^2-(2分之10)^2】+9=【(a+5)^2-5^2】+9=(a+5)^2-16=(a+5)^2-4^2=(a+5-4)(a+5+4)=(a+1)(a+9) What else does she have to do at school.(同义句转化) what does she have dinner; what does she have for dinner;what is for dinner的区别是什么? what does she like to have?有没有对若详细解释就加分 如何学会读英语单词 pets二级和三级分别要多少词汇量? 大学四级英语和公共英语三级要求掌握的词汇量一样吗 PETS四级需要的词汇量是多少? What does she put ____her locker?A.in.B.on.C.under.D.behind. ELEVEN这是什么意思? 桃花源记中的一字多义,通假字,古今异义有哪些?急用马上就要. 口语交际 与xx对话 你的童年快乐吗 b(i)scuit 和thin 中的i 发音相同吗? five和thin中的i发音相同吗 thin和gift的i的读音都一样吗? This和thin中的i发音相同吗? 连词成句 1.does What she have on her farm 2.do they连词成句1.does What she have on her farm2.do they what in classroom have their3.is There a in cat my bedroom4.There an is umbrella in my bedroom5.they do What have the on farm最好有翻译 I have lunch (at twelve o'clock) .对括号内部分提问