
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:39:56
Which of the following sings means No photos 翻译成汉语 which is the traffic sign of the following是什么意思 薛佛强翻译成英文名是什么 看不懂3/x=(y-6)/y是怎么等于y=6x/x-3的,麻烦你 Which of the following is NOTa traffic sign?是什么意Which of the following is NOTa traffic sign? 这题谁能跟我讲的详细点吗?比如,a为什么等于3?a-2b+3为什么等于2? there isn't______to drink in the refrigerator There isn't any fruit in the fridge.Let's go to the greengrocer's to buy some.与There aren't any fruits in the fridge.Let's go to the greengrocer's to buy some.有什么区别?这两句都对吗? 商店关门了挂个牌子写close 吗? 商店关门除了说close还能怎么说?The store usually closes at 19:30.能不能paraphrase一下这句话?除了The store runs/operates until 19:30.The store would not close until 19:30.还有没有别的说法呢?:D 仿写句子:清凉的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?枝头的小鸟!你——————————,是————————————?叶尖的露珠!你——————————,是————————— 照样子,写句子.例:我热切地跟他们打招呼:清凉的山泉!你捧出一面明镜,是要我重新梳妆吗?1._________的小草,___________________吗?2._________的蜜蜂,___________________吗?3._________的山石,___________________ 读某城市的气候资料,完成7至8题 空间坐标,什么情况下一平面在另一平面的投影为0 This is a boy and ( ) name is Dale. 姓薛名阳英文名 好心人求翻译下,老师说翻译软件翻译的不行.谢谢了.随着科学技术的不断发展,门铃系统也在不断的发展,技术越来越成熟,由本来的单个用户到现在的多用户,从本来的模拟信号到现在的数字信 英语翻译公用电源设计采用了整流,滤波,稳压技术.视频头的选用是通过网上查询选择性价比高的产品.对讲系统的设计和声光控灯的设计先确定系统的基本功能,采用常用的电子元器件设计整 好难哦....又是数学!多小÷90=0.89(9循环)开动你的脑筋! 数学难吗,好难哦 在矩形ABCD中,AB=12CM,BC=6CM,点P沿AB边从点A开始向点B以2CM\S的速度移动,点Q沿DA边从点D开始向点A以1CM\S的速度移动,如果PQ同时出发,用T(S)表示运动时间(0小于等于T小于等于6)那摩当T为何值时,以Q,A This plan __?____against my wishes .So I won't agree with you unless you make some changes in it.A.goes B.comes c.fights D..think为什么选择A 其他的为什么不能呢 the number of people who agree with this plan_____below average,A.is,B.are,Cgoes,D.go解释、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 remain to be settled Well,not everyone ______(agree) on this plan. Do they need tickets from shijiazhuang to beijing?(改为陈述句) they do need you和 they need you 有什么区别么 第一个为什么要加do need do,need to do在陈述句中可以互换吗? 英语翻译恭喜你获奖,你真的是太棒了,为你感到高兴和骄傲.希望你能在多出演的店电视剧,真的很喜欢你的戏但是你拍的太少了,同时也期待你的新歌MV,还有2天就能看到啦. 请好心人给我翻译成中文,不要翻译器翻译的`谢谢谢谢`How are you doing ? i must say that your emails makes me more and more happy to have met and known you because you make me very fulfilled and this is what i have been searching f we won't visit Beijing this summer holiday.we plan to visit什么A.else somewhereB.other somewhereC.somewhere else D.somewhere other 用妒忌,私自,曹操一起造一个句子