
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:11:01
辽、金、西夏被灭的顺序、、 首先采用韩非子法家理论治国的君主是 sales assistant什么意思 宋辽议和,宋夏议和,有人认为它增加了宋朝老百姓的负担,是屈辱的,也有人认为与之议和维持了长期的和平局面,这是好事,你是怎么看的?为什么? 宋与辽、夏、金先后“议和”.其共同点有1)结束了双方大规模的战争状态 2)客观上有利于双方和平相处3)宋王朝都要缴纳钱币 3)导致南北对峙局面的形成选三个 举出宋辽议和与宋夏议和的内容 简单举出宋辽议和与宋夏议和的内容 _____a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience.填Having caught为什莫不行?如果Being caught 不是进行吗? being caught in a traffic jam is an unpleasant experience为什么是being caught 遇到交通堵塞不是主动吗 第一题:You must be careful before you( ) A.across B.crossing C.cross D.walk cross第二题:---Do you know ( )---It is about 10 minutes' walk from far is the post officeB.when does the post far the post office isD.when the 英语翻译其中的see为什么是原型 《资治通鉴》记录的是那段时间的历史? mr fat is quite s() .he can carry the heavy boxandy is a p() boy and all of us like him very much.kitty is not a fat girl.she's a s() girl.simon and daniel are in class one.(对one提问)()()()simon and daniel in?sandy and lucy ()(be) i Mr.Smith was thin ten years ago,but now he is quite heavy.的意思 He is heavy in d_______ After the storm,the sea became c_____ again.(补全单词) I don't think you are good ,______?A aren't you B are you Don’t You Think You Are Very Beautifu.I‘m waiting for you。两个句子一起翻译才有加分哈. I have a nice,s a picture you hold the line,please ,i'm trying to put you to through the number you want? For a Chinese ______ me,the more I practice English,the better I learn it. Not quite as light on my feet as i used to be,I guess 求翻译 This must be so hard for you我知道你肯定非常难受This 在这代表什么?这是什么句型? gridfication是什么意思 This paper analyzes these reasons of hard gridification in detail.But its progress of gridification onscientific computing is slower than anticipation Stary from the bus stop in front of our school的中文意思 His parents are quite __(worry). Sam is feeling terrible and his parents are ______ (worry) about his pool heaith. please look at the blackboard careful这句话中哪个地方错了,找出错误并改正 This issue didn’t come out of nowhere. consignment是什么意思 The ink of this pen ___ come out.But I don't know what's the matter with it.为什么填 won't 而不是can't Please ( ) the steps as you go in careful.B.look out.C.mind 为什么选C,请详解,