
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:34:39
求教西班牙语怎么学 Some computer games are a bit like plays……看一下这个句子的语法?Some computer games are a bit like plays ——you have characters playing different roles.此句中“playing “的语法?Some computer games are a bit like plays ——yo Why You Wanna Trip On 辩证唯物主义的根本观点是什么 辩证唯物主义根本观点和首要观点 you really turn me on是MJ的那一首歌? 千伏是KV,万伏是什么? It's nice out?还是说It's nice weather? It's really nice____you____so.(选出并解释为什么)A.for;to sayB.for;sayingC.of;to sayD.of;say 500kv等于多少万伏 1500V等于多少KV “形而上”“形而下”怎么理解? of whom 的用法是?如题 of和whom的用法,一 sth.is bad,and not of the standard.这个of是啥意思讲?二 I discuss with two person,A and B,to whom you talk with earlier.to whom的to,是接的谁?什么用法,要不直接放句首说不通吧? 关于of whom与whoI have many friends,_____some are businessmenA.who B.of whom 选什么?为什么?,of whom 可不可以作主语,老搞不清它的用法 大家帮我翻译一下吧There are some things success is not,It's not fame ,it's not money or power. of which 和 of whom的区别His boat,( ) is Topsail,is very famous.A.of whom the name B.the name of which选什么?为什么不选另外一个?还有of whom的whom可以指代物品吗? of whom用法i sent invvitations to 80 people,of whom only 20 have replied 为什么不用i sent invvitations to 80 people,only 20 of these who have replied 6 KV/mil等于多少v/μm, 2012年3.15消费者权益日的主题 3.15消费者权益日的2011年主题 今年3.15国际消费者权益日的主题是什么 3.15消费者权益日的意义是什么?以及主题? “靥”这个字读什么笑靥 "靥"字拼音怎样读?就是笑靥的"靥"字,把它用拼音读出来 请问这个字读什么,靥 靥 靥晕 百度自动纠正。R 靥字广东话怎么读 这个字 靥 怎么读? There is cimema_____the supermarket 靥 这个字怎么读 日这个字加一笔或去一笔能变成那几个字 靥怎么读