
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:57:24
In ancient China,people()that dinosaur bones ()dragon bones.A.think;are B.think;were C.thought;were D.thought;are请解释一下为什么要这么做. in ancient time,Chinese people write------or--------急,谁给我说我一定给他好评价 In fact ,studying Confucianism itself was limited to very few people in ancient china. In ancient China,people invented the compass to help avoid ______ when sailing on the sea.1.getting lost 2.to get lost 3.to getting lost 4.get lost 什么句子改一般疑问句要以what开头拜托各位大神 盐的组词和拼音 “盐”字汉语拼音怎么拼啊 急 in your case中文的意思是什么 in any case的中文意思 出淤泥而不染 濯清涟而不妖是什么意思 出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖.是谁写的? (1)That is Robert's bicycle.(2)What is that?(用缩写形式改写)(3)They are Gary and Tom.(4)These are Paul's newspapers(改为一般疑问句) 推荐几部非常感人,使人看了情不自禁地流泪的电影. 推荐几部感人的电影,最好能看了哭的那种! 有没有好看的感人电影,一定要很感人的,可以看哭的. Where do you come from?where是介词from的宾语,与from一起组成介词短语作动词come的状语? 拼音yan ye怎么区分,如何教小孩容易明白? ye是两拼音节吗 爷爷的拼音为什么是ye “出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的英语怎么说? 为什么朗读课文时我会情不自禁感动而且流眼泪,就算是读笑话也会 求很感人很感人的电影,最好是能流泪的我看过 这3部是把我哭死了的 谁还知道很感人的电影啊,不要那种动物的,最好是现代的,我看过,我没多大感觉 公犬八哥的故事我看了,确实很感人,但是 出淤泥而不染 濯清涟而不妖比喻“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”怎样造句呢? "出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖"怎么解释? 为什么莲出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖?谢谢! They were surprised that a child should work out the problem ________ they themselves couldn't.A.once B.then C.while D.if 行色匆匆怎么造句快!今天就要! 行色匆匆.德高望重造句. Jack____(停)here,please.填空 伊索寓言一则,英文版,简短,中译!我晕!要求好多,要很短很短滴,英文版,记得翻译唷!是两则 My weekend was (very terrible) 括号内句子画线提问答案上是how was your weekend可是主语是your,是否应该把was改为were?在线等,会加分!~ 用行色匆匆造句