
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:54:23
英文书信中是信头可省还是信内地址可省?248 Park Street Taipei,Taiwan 105 September 8,2002 (写信日期) Dear Susan,(称呼) I enjoyed reading your letter very much.…………………………………………………………… L____ begin at eighi o'clock 首字母填空 clsses begin at eight o'clock为什么用clsses? When not love to say it,and then give up only to What is love?It's when you don't give a thought for all the if''s And want to's in the world什么意最好能用英语解释 翻译句子:这个小男孩太小了, 英语翻译1、和某人一起走2、开生日舞会3、举行丰富的晚宴若n是正整数,则(-1)的2n+1次方 -(-1)2n次方=______.设n是大于1的整数,则(-1)2n次方=________,(-1)的2n+1=______.如果(a-2)的2次方+| 翻译下列句子 1.我一听到这消息就来了.(as soon as) 2.我发现解出这道数学题有点翻译下列句子1.我一听到这消息就来了.(as soon as) 2.我发现解出这道数学题有点困难.(find difficult to do) 翻译句子:最后,汤姆算出了那道数学题Tom worked out the maths problem()() 九十岁老人生日祝福语. 英语翻译 I want to give you warm when you feel sad 翻译成中文什么意思 英文书信的组成部分? When we leave our classroom ,we need to walk ____,or somebody may get hurt .A.one by one B in a hurry C.hurriedly D.at the same time 能把永恒和传承联系在一起的词语 传承,这个词语五笔我不会打.有什么软件可以用的吗? 四字句,是现代汉语传承古代文言的瑰宝,恰当地以四字句点缀行文,可以使语言典雅有书卷气.请仿照所给的示例,以“校园的早晨”为描写对象写一段文字.要求:以四字句为主,流畅生动,不超 急求!现代汉语中的名词怎么解释:常用词、多重复句、传承词、状语、反问句、异读字.谢谢! That is his pencil sharpener.改为一般疑问句答语是( )( )( )pencil sharpenner They said,"we want our dinner."怎么改间接引语 将下列句子变为间接引语:1.They said ,"we want our dinner ."2.He said ,"I've lost my bike ." He said,“We are still students.’ 改为间接引语:He said they are still students.为什么“are”不变换成“were”?十万火急ING! They said they had been having a friendly match with our school team.为什么用过去完成进行时? The first lesson of this book ____ camous life.A.is focus on B.focuses on C.is focusing to D.focuses to 鬼的英文单词是什么?鬼的英文. 英语改写句子开头To be honest,more and more people cannot afford an apartment.(改写句子开头)( ),more and more people cannot afford an apartment. 英语:哟 it 改写下列句子1who would be the next manager of the foot-ball team was still a question2the young man was made manager of the team,which surprised everyone3whether theyoung man can manage the team successfully remains unknown4howeve 高中英语句子开头为什么常有It is我英语不好 are they orange?1.no,they aren`t.2.they`re forty-seven yuan. 把They are 50 yuan 这句话改为疑问句.急 世界上读书最多的人是谁?读了多少本书? 读书读得多的人有哪些?