
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:41:52
选择填空 ()1.She will write to you as soon as she ( )to Guangzhou.got B.will get C.选择填空()1.She will write to you as soon as she ( )to Guangzhou.A.gotB.will getC.gets()2.---- These problems are too hard to( ).Will you give me s As soon asshe returns to Tokyo,she will write to you (同意句转换) what i want to do in my studies怎么回答 the more she worked,the less she achieved.怎么翻译的及相关语法 英语翻译 she likes the shape more than the colour请问怎么翻译?这时的shape与colour是指什么? 夏天又来了,最怕热了,夏天什么枕头好呢?大家有推荐吗 我是一个做凉拌菜的,主要卖一些白水的猪头肉、猪耳朵、鸡、兔等夏天来了这些放一段时间就变干硬了如何解 把句子补充完整,注意关联词语.(1)虽然夏天已经来临,但是( ) (2)我不但看课外书籍,而且( )修改病句他爸爸是有名的数学老师,所以他的数学成绩一定很好.根据语境,续写一个句子.从 学了新概念英语四册能过六级吗? 新概念英语第3册 美语录音谁有啊能发到游翔 catalog in electronic form是什么形式 what we can do just cherish the present and do our best for not going to 这是什么字,哪个时期的! 新时期语言文字工作的方针是什么? 这几个字是啥,具体是什么时间,哪一年 这个图案是什么?如果是古文字,那是哪个时期的什么字? trip.i.she.know.think.wants.what.of.the.to连词成句 调查中国移动通信公司对移动电话的几种不同收费方案,利用数学知识进行分析,选择最佳答案把方法步骤写出来 英语翻译抱歉,没打完。In places where there are river and lakes,students usually go to school by boatTaking a boat must be a lot more fun than taking a busThey have to take a boat to get to school?Some students take cars .Other students ta What is this?It is A key B pen C map D quilt What's this in English?It's a(n) .A.map B.CD C.ID card D.quilt i will write to you as soon as i _____ there.A.will get B.get c.am getting d.gets这道题应该选哪个,为什么?请说明为什么这么选的理由?为什么不选 A,或C? he -to us as soom as he gets there[A writes B has written C will write Dwrote 英语同义句转换 I'm afraid of being alone at home at night.I'm territy of ____ ____ ____ ____. The green shorts are on s_____ for 25 dollars.空该怎么填啊?ji xu su du o The little boy feels alone when his parents are not at home.这句话哪错了 卫生部医政司地址在哪里 Be sure ( )me as soon as you arrive there.A to write B.write C.to write to D.write to为什么选那个?感激不尽 I'll write to you as soon as I arrive there.as soon as 能换成 the moment吗? 英语翻译90用英文到底怎么翻译~是ninty 还是ninety I shall write to you as soon as I ( )arrive. A.arrive B.will arrive C.am arriving D.arrived