
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:59:03
tom and his sister( )a dog.Its nameis Carl.It( )a white dog.It( )ashort tail.It( )bones.It( )not( )cake.tom and his sister( )it.they( )withitevery day.用love like dose play is have has likes填在括号里,要有顺序 急 He helps them by giving them some food(对划线部分提问) ______ ______he________them?You mustn‘t sing in the classroom。改为祈使句____ _____in the classroom.Trees can clean the air.同义句转换Trees can _____the air______. 一战地图第一次世界大战结束时的地图.英文版. we have _____(用光了)all the food, so we have to buy some.帮忙看看吧 在括号内填上恰当的词语开展( ) 开发( ) 开动( ) 开阔( )坚持( ) 维持( ) 保持( ) 支持( ) 括号内填上恰当的词语. 在括号内填上恰当词语( )的闪光 20%X+(1-2o%)(320-x)=320*40% Mars and helen are twins .Mars says ,"Ihave a sister ."But helen doesn't admit that she has a siste 脑筋急转弯Mary and Helen are twins, Mary says,"I have a sister.”But Helen doesn't admit that she hMary and Helen are twins, Mary says,"I have a sister.”But Helen doesn't admit that she has a sister. Why? 请给我个答案 I have a sister.We are twins.(合并为一句) Mike and Jane are twins brother and sister有什么错 英语谜语iF YOU HAVE IT,YOU WANT TO SHARE IT.IF YOU SHARE IT,YOU DON'T HAVE IT.what is it? "Always want to have a selfish you not share" Can you just share me a few minutes?I want to have a talk with you.改错题,原因! If you want to be a musician,you have to really _____ yourself to it.[A] commit [B] push [C] drive [D] encourage并翻译一下整个句子 请在括号内填上合适的词语:倚树( )流泉 世界史简答题;一战后欧洲列强是如何划分欧洲政治地图的 第六题,写在纸上发过来 If you don't go after what you want,you'll never have it.If you don't ask,the answer is a 第六题,最好写在纸上,拍照发过来,圆周率按3计算. if you don't go after what you want,you'll never have it.if you don't ask,这是完整的一句话吗? what do I have to send if I want to buy 如何积累词汇量我现在是高一,我想积累词汇量,我想单单课本的单词应该是不够的吧 如何快速积累写作需要的词汇量? 词汇量的积累 怎样积累自己的词汇量? 关于英语积累词汇量的.关于英语积累词汇量,多看一些英语名作有没有用,或看一些关于英语的movie or song They have some toys.改为否定句 求解答20题 20题求解答 下面第(6)题,(谢谢最好写纸上)