
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:08:13
大海因一朵朵浪花而 仿写例句:大海就像一位诗人,把满腔的激情挥洒成一朵朵浪花; dope有“cool”的意思么?“dope tee”是cool tee的意思么 Dope是什么意思 dope The parents asked their son _______ play in the street.A.don'tB.doesn'tC.not toD.not我选的是D,可答案是C.到底是C还是D,为什么? 读书笔记要好词好句还有体会的!只要好词好句、作者、主要内容、读后体会 The parents are p_______ of their son's success. I'm a( )taller填A some B bit C so D and? 为什么中原地区,秦汉军队能驱逐匈奴,而宋代以后却被蒙元和满清统治?如题. Some times I sell so insecure and love so distant and obsure Remains the cur大大们帮我翻译一下啦这是原文,,,没有错的. in search of sth是啥意思 He looked around ____he was in search of something.A.though B.as13、He looked around ____he was in search of something.A.though B.as C.as though D.even if 14.Are you hungry?Yes.I_____ .A.have starved B.will be starved to death C.am starving D.starve the old woman ___we talked ahout was a famous scientist用thao,who,whom, something good always call of it The old woman pressed her faceto escort hercrows,sparrowswas considered sacred There is some carrot on the table对吗 非谓语动词 ing形式做状语时 如 being ill ,.在这里being 作为状语 那么ill呢 非谓语动词中是否存在Being done形式?存在请解释与Done区别. 有(现实)之外为无(虚无),即什么都没有,又何来物质世界?是什么在虚无中托起物质世界,又是什么托起虚无? 改错Although he is ten years old ,but he has beeen skating for six years.这里哪里错了 英语翻译我的意思是讨论一下人工智能这项技术有没有可能用在翻译上 She can do it()although she is ten years old 英语翻译Rescuers on Saturday found 2 bobies of the 6 Russian canoeists who had. Compete,competition,competitor有什么区别? 在下面中的“ competition ”改为”compete”动词可以吗He’ll be invited to competition around the word .) 用compete,competition,competitor,competitive造一段话一段话中包括这四个词,并且翻译这段话意思. 一个表insert into可以用where吗?两列循环读取第一列的值a,计算后分别插入第二列insert into table(column2) values(result) where column1=a这样insert into 后面可以带where吗? “没有好好学AI软件”用英语怎么翻译 赐多利免疫奶粉有什么作用?对婴儿的免疫系统有什么作用?要长期吃,还是偶尔吃? 赐多利奶粉有人用过吗?效果好吗?我家宝宝8个月了,从6个月腹泻过后,到现在肠胃一直不好,这两天有感冒了,都瘦了好多,有人推介赐多利免疫奶粉效果好吗?还有牛初乳有效果吗?哪个牌子的好, 有吃过赐多利奶粉的吗?