
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:39:24
这个手段 ,这些手段,以及鹅和绵羊的复数用英语怎么说? 鹅的英语单词是什么? There is some milk in the glass.划线some _____ ______milk_____ ____ in the glass. 鲁迅为什么要写《风筝》写《风筝》有什么意义 鲁迅的《风筝》主要写了什么事,请简要概括 鲁迅的风筝中的弟弟到底有没有忘掉这件事?到底有没有,为什么?要快,我们要在课上发言的! What kind of ______ do you like?如果问句问的是“你喜欢哪种电影?”,那么横线处的“movie”为什么不用加“s”呢? what kind of fruits do you like?和what kind of fruit do you like? fruit 表示种类的时候不是能用复数为什么第一句是错的? 问( ) DO YOU PREFER TO HAVE,RICE OR NOODLES?( )KIND OF FRUIT DO YOU LIKE MOTST?,选WHAT和WHICH填为什么这么选,说说理由吧 what kind of fruit do you like eat or eating and why这句话有错吗 what kind of fruit? 怎样描写风筝的样子 What kind of fruit would you like best?该怎么回答? 风筝 作者用了哪些描写弟弟的写作方法 what changes a kind of vegetable into a kind of fruit? 作文:描写龙风筝的,要交待风筝的样子,来历,和放风筝的样子,还有感受,并突出龙文化!后天就要交了 写一个描写风筝的作文 给一非这个名字 找个音相近的英文名 温暖的阳光,透过玻璃床罩在书桌上. 阳光是怎样穿过玻璃?………求具体原因? 单词复数 到底这个单词复数是什么?有一次英语老师给我们讲题,说英雄(hero)这个单词的复数是直接加S,可我记得以前的英语老师曾说过,是加es的 可老师说他的肯定是对的,怎么回事? 有复数的单词就一定是可数吗RT 比如 sheep 故字意思:事故.(组词)另一意思:原来的(组词)漫字意思:到处都是(组词) 单词怎么变复数?(要完整点的) 所有这个词全是复数吗 Nancy went to the cinema last night(改同义句) 7、 ―You went to the cinema last night,didn’t.you?― .I was at home.A.Yes,I do B.No,I don’t C.No,I didn’t D.Yes,I did. I went to the cinema last night.thecinema就划线部提问 英语:what is the most popular means of transportation in your city? English is my_____(liked the most of the same kind)subject. liked zhe most of zhe same kind(根据英文解释,写出单词)写出单词1:have many things to do ( )2:use time to do things ( )3:hate,not like something ( )4liked zhe most of zhe same kind ( )