
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:51:31
求26个英文字母!如题 关于爱情的英语书信不要太长,(50~60即可)一定要是关于 爱情 的 书信 谁能帮我下一下英语信内容是:买的新版原装套件里,线2板都是一样的,因此少了一版,希望可以把少的那板线连同线板一起寄来,不然没办法对颜色套件里应该有30个颜色,但出现了2套同样的15 翻译英文的书信贵吗 连词成句:for,me,telling,about,your,thank,day 苏东坡的蝶恋花·密州上元,帐底吹笙香吐麝,一句后面是更无一点尘随马,还是此般风味应无价? you,for,thank,me,your,about,telling,day 请帮我把这几个单词连成一句话!必有重谢! 苏轼 《蝶恋花.密州上元》其中体现爱民的诗句 用英语解释英语的字典用英语解释英语单词的字典,叫什么字典?双音还是双英?还有。是不是也叫“英英字典” 有什么电脑词典是有英文解释的?金山词霸只有中文解释,哪种是有英文解释的?不是例句. 连词成句1.life,you,me,school,thank,for,about,telling,your (.)2.city,you,the,our,have,visited,zoo,ever,in )3.prizes,in,Mr Green,got,competitions,has,many,the (.)4.the,living,city,you,about,in,how,feel,do,new ) 小王子读后感读后感450——500字左右,要结合生活实际,别给我粘贴 请问谁有2010年12月英语六级阅读题译文? 2005年1月六级阅读理解Part II Passage One 译文2005年1月六级阅读理解Part II Passage One “我以前就养过兔子”的英文怎么说 如果让你描写你的邻居养了两条兔子,描写兔子的特点,你会怎么写?(英文) 1只黑色的兔子"英文怎么拼写﹖ 你对字母“O” “W”“A”有哪些联想?你对,蝴蝶、蜜蜂有哪些联想? Do you know where our English teacher is teaching now?At a certain univeersity .I___by him at high school for 3years.A.was being taught B.was taught C.am taughtD.would be taught I ( ) find my English book. Where is it? Do you know? I don't know _____A.where can I find my English books B.where I can find my English book选哪个?答案上是B,为什么? 句子改错:Do you know our English teacher name 英语翻译这个 can opener是什么东西,我同学说CAN 有罐头的意思?可是现在中国的罐头直接用手就可以拉开了,除非那种木塞的酒瓶,有没有人知道他到底要的是什么? 求教一篇高二英语语法填空Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, and 32 (remain) in fashion 33 the end of 语法填空Researchers started a program to introduce the Apple iPad to oranguatans(猩猩) in zoos.They have found that humans are not the only ones ( ) like to use tablet computers.( ) some assistance,the orangutans are able to use it to listen to 高二英语语法填空, day telling you your for thank me about怎样连成一句 高二英语语法填空 求答案 谢谢 I want to find a native English speaker(a English teacher)in shanghai who want to learn ChineseI can speak English,but not very well,so I want to talk to a native English speaker to practise.If you are a native English speaker who want to learn nativ I want to find an English-Speaking friend as my english speaking&writing teacherI'am a Chinese ,and working in Shanghai as an engineer for Sun in which is mostly use us-English on work .I want to make friends with someone who comes from an English-Sp 写一封英语信,谁帮我.50分假如你是刘军,是一名七年级的学生.请根据所给提示,写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下你的班级和你新认识的一个朋友王伟,内容可适当发挥.提示:1班上有50名学生,你 怎样写一封英语的信