
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:25:03
英语翻译1.我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣.2.有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义的诗歌.急用``谢谢`` 英语翻译我们将餐桌从室内搬到室外看到四周都是水 英语翻译我们必须遵守学校的规矩(be required to obey)老师促使学生注意这两个词之间的区别(call/draw one’s attention to sth) 英语翻译(1) Book shops across the country invited the author to sign his new novel,hoping to promote it.(2) At her grandparents' Anna was offered a small but cosy room. 如图所示,在竖直加速上升的密闭人造卫星内有一水银气压计.卫星开始上升前,卫星内气温为0摄氏度,气压计中水银高76cm,在上升不太高的高度时,卫星内气温为27.3摄氏度,此时水银气压计中高41. 英语习题求解答The new tool makes __ easy___ us to finish the task for for to to 英语习题 the tellest person in the world is ( ) 2.3metres tell 帮我分析几个英语题目,1.The woman will never forget the day__they first met.A.that B.on whichC.on that D.which为什么选择B呢?其它选项为什么不可以?2.In the dark street,there wasn't a single person ___she could turn for help.A.t 澳大利亚西部的地下水从埋藏条件看属于——,地质构造为—— 帮我分析几个英语题目,1.The woman will never forget the day__they first met.A.that B.on whichC.on that D.which为什么选择B呢?其它选项为什么不可以?2.In the dark street,there wasn't a single person ___she could turn for help.A.t put it here的提问 put it here 与put it there的不同? not (put) it here. Put it here同义句 ___ not ___ put it here.( 填空) 实在分不清三个选项的不同之处.A:()?B:I feel a bit sada.What do you feel b.How do you feel c.How do you think 选择性疑问句开头用什么单词问职业( ) ( )father a teacher or doctor? It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview .______ the answers ready will be of great help.A.To have had B.Having had C.Have D.Having 一道英语题 求详细解答 急I owe _ entirely to you that I have succeeded in the attemptAit Bthat C this D the one选A 解释下为什么 Of all the suggested plans,his is——Amuch the bestBthe best by far选A为什么B不对? 6.Nobody could have guessed ,in those days ,the place in history that Martin Luther King,Jr____.A.was having B.was to have C.had had D.had我是在公共英语上面看到的这个题目,他的答案是B但是我不知道为什么? 广东话是粤语吗,和香港人说的话一样吗,澳门的人会不会说粤语呀? 也只有我着傻瓜才相信你说的话 粤语翻译 英语翻译这首歌是在什么背景下唱的?我听不懂粤语他为什么要说这些话 我正在学粤语,各位有什么好看的粤语电视剧介绍一下?最好是能快速学粤语的. 修改病句 1.市第六次人口普查结果显示:东阳县常住人口数量比桂阳县少两倍2.当我们登上泰山的顶峰时,有一种心旷神怡的感觉急 伊犁近三年八县一市人口统计总数需要伊宁市及八县人口总数 分析各个选项,------in a friendly way,they both were satisfied with the result a having been settled their quarrel b their quarrel being settled c their quarrel settled d after their quarrel settled ()here are your shoes.___,please.a.put it on b.put them on c.put it on d.put them on Here are your socks.Please ( ) 应该用put them on还是put on them Here are your clothes .Please put them a( ).根据句意和首字母填空 these are your school clothes .please a.put it on b.put then on c.put on it d.put on them