
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:49:22
用适当的介词填空. There is a lamp ___ the bedside table. 救急!填介词 Are there any apples ____ the table 英语翻译这句 “我喜欢你的声音,喜欢你的拥抱,喜欢你只对我这么温柔” 英语翻译Święty Ignacy przebywa jednocześnie w 2 miejscach na raz,na GG i na MSN! 新手准备自学英语,请问有什么方法吗? 请问如何才能说明自身的英语水平还不错(非英语专业)呢?是把中计口译、BEC、托福或雅思都考下来吗?如果为了以后工作着想,您认为在英语方面应该考什么证书?请知识丰富的你给我一些建 -What about ____ speech?-It was to-What about ____ speech?-It was too tiring,you know ,____speech for me.A.a;theB.the;theC.a;theD.the;a 1.---What's your speech _____,professor Wang?---It's about recyling the B.of C.from D.on2.He hardly has meal ,_______ _______?(改为反意疑问句) 不出国,考GRE,GMAT,BEC(中、高级),托福,雅思哪个比较好啊?请各位大虾帮帮忙~~谢谢~~ there are some apples in the fridge.改成一般疑问句 I think it is who we talked about last weekend! A reporter likes____to people and___stories talk.writing B.taking to write C.taking,writing 英语翻译 A reporter likes ( ) to people and ( ) talk;writing;write C.talking;write D.talking;writing ( )A reporter likes to ___with people .( )A reporter likes to ___with people .A.talks B.talking talk解析:6.( )What ___your sister want to ___? ,do ,be C.does ,do D.does be 解析: 我对这个地方充满着幻想 英语翻译 His father had to find a room live in which live in it live in live 英语翻译上面那些都适合什么样的人考?考完之后都有什么用? I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods I found a sign which said其中的which是不是可以省略.想请问下大家:什么时候该判断它应该用像Which ,who ,that,之类的宾语引导词? 歌词开头是what you know about me what you what you know about me注是歌词中有,歌名可能并不是这个请不要直接搜索what you know之类的歌名,复制黏贴过来 加拿大比中国好吗 加拿大手机在中国可以用吗? 口译 bec 雅思 托福 哪个适合我?现在大二 4级480 6级刚考完 希望能够边提高能力方面边拿证要不要在寒假报个新东方班什么的啊~没分了只剩7分了~HELP! 我想自学英语,但又不知道从哪入手, 口译,剑桥商务英语,托福和雅思的费用各是多少? 我要自学英语,从哪里入手?我目前每天除了睡觉就是学英语,希望学周总理那样几个月把英语学下来,我学过一点英语以前,就是背单词和一些语法,应该从哪里入手开始学?每天15个小时的学3个月 自学英语不知道从那入手 what about sb what about the two of us ________ together?talking to talktalktalkedwhat about sb 后面加什么啊?我知道what about doing 我问的是 what about sb What about sb/sth doing sth? There are some signs here (否定句)急 what/how about sth/sb He asks Ben some questions about public signs.(转为现在进行时)