
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:27:55
碱金属都该如何保存咧? 为什么说“碱金属最外层只有1个电子,所以碱金属都能和水发生激烈的反应” ZICK是啥意思?高达0079中的zick,zion是啥意思? Zick zeon中的zick是哪国语言? 和老师的一次谈话,更激动了我的想象力怎么改正确了 请把下列词语填入【 】里. 挫折 勤劳 事业 希望 无聊 友谊 自由 厌世 幸福 困难 虚荣 奋斗从上面的词语填入括号里【 】说:人生是建筑史上的一块砖瓦.【 】说:人生是于 和老师的一次谈话,更激动了我的想象力如何修改病句 给zeon赋予某种含义我有个域名,是‘zeon’,但想不出有什么含义.不管是拼音含义,还是简拼含义.再或者是英文昵称怎么读,总之,然后赋予zeon某种意义.大家有什么好的点子吗? 固铂 KBXTC、zeon SEIG 这个是什么字怎么打出来 the wonder of the world100字左右 这个是什么字,怎么打 1\please don't c_____ about others.It has nothing to do with others .2\we will go to the park u____ it rainsit's our d____ to protect the environment took和was taken的区别 这个是什么字体.怎样打出来的? did you fight with ()yesterday?A、the otherB、otherC、anotherD、others选择哪个呢?为什么? took与taken take的区别 it is known aroud the 到底这个 known 是被动 还是形容词 People dont c() about others .it has nothing to do with others were took和were taken的区别.详细介绍一下这类的谢谢. 'lt has nothing to do with others'翻译 meet什么意思必采纳 i never took i never taken这两句话差别,i never took ,i never taken,这两句话差别是什么, meet是什么意思 What do you guys think of Canada?I live in Canada.I want to know what Chinese people think of Canada.I am Chinese but I speak English. tissue的发音把中文的发音发出来- -主要是后面的SUE发音- 英语翻译tissue sparing total hip replacement怎么翻译合适?字面上看是组织保护技术,不知道有没有更好的表达方式? ——Do you feell like driving out?——No.I'd rather we ____ a taxi.用take还是took?为什么? what is a wonder of the world in 100 years from now?把句子的意思说下``最好把答案也说上``喜欢英语的初三同学``留下Q号一起交流下`` TOOK的用法 what is (ancient) chinese wonder of the world 填什么?为什么