
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:20:57
孔子提倡的中庸之道的理论基础是? 孔子主张什么学说? Now write about the characters and tell the class about them帮我写一下 谁会写英语作文Can you tell me about Chinese festival?多写几个节日,有翻译。6句就行。 初一英语:单、复数句子转换,每空一词This is an orenge.(复数)____ are ______.Are those book?(单数)_____ _______ ________ book?Is she your friend?(复数)______ ________ you _______?Where's my baseball?(复数)Where ________ my __ 陶渊明《饮酒》(此中有真意)真意指什么陶渊明《饮酒》最后一句(此中有真意)“真意”指什么? No One Is There中文歌词谁有啊! 孔子的哪一学说体现了其核心的思想主张? no one is there 的歌词谁有啊 no one is there 中文歌词 no one is there 是谁唱的?rt write a letter to Dr.Know.Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them. In most______(家),people cook in the kitchen. People cook meals in the kitchen in most homes.对cook meals 提问____ _____ people _____in the kitchen in most homes? 1.孔子提出的“仁”的学说包含什么?2.说说孔子的教育成就.3.学而时习之,不亦说乎?知之为知之,不知为不知.三人行,必有我师焉.学而时习之,不亦说乎?上述材料的教育思想对我们的学习有何启 孔子在教育方面作出了哪些贡献? 孔子提出了"仁"的学说,它的主要内容是什么? 写出孔子“仁政学说”中“仁”的主要要求是什么?请用白话文! Getting up early is good for people's health. .…… 选词填空Getting up early is good for people's health.Many people have this_1_.How does it help? Let me tell you my story. When I was _2_twenly years old,I _3_ went to bed late and slept in 下列对孔子“仁”的学说理解,错误的一项是:A“仁者爱人”B统治者不要过度压迫人民,要爱惜民力C目的要实现“天下大同”D是孔子政治思想的核心请给予解释,谢谢! _____ (run) is good for people. Millions of young people are writing biogs.(阅读理解) 英语介绍人能用破折号么? 例如 I am writing to introduce you a very good person -LiMIng at home 为什么at the shop 为什么要加the 有什么规律吗?请举例说明 at home 和at church中间为什么不用加the 同学们在宽敞的教室里学习.(修改病句)这是老师留的作业,明天就要上学了!急,急,急,急,急,急,急,急,急, 修改病句:同学们在宽阔的教室里学习多么幸福 修改病句:1.我们的教室又宽广又明亮.2.听了校长的报告,订出了本学期的学习计划. 我们在广阔的教室里愉快地学习.(修改病句) computer,we,our,you,can,help,need,help,summer,camp,with,with.连成两句话. computer,we,our,you,can,help,need,help,summer camp,with, 翻译Now,write about the rules in your house