
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:59:25
世界上最著名的桥有哪 些 世界上中国最著名的导演还有说一中国最顶尖的十大导演,吴宇森是世界上最知名的吗,算中国顶尖导演吗写一下中国顶尖十大导演,要详细的资料,如果好我追加100分 世界上最著名的大学墨尔本大学排名多少哦? 什么时候用机械能守恒定理和动能定理 世界上最著名的女人是谁 世界上最著名的女人是谁不一定是歌手,反正各个领域都列举一些,要狠著名的 把一个小球放在玻璃漏斗中,晃动漏斗,可以使小球沿光滑的漏斗壁在某一水平面内做匀速圆周运动小球的向心力是有什么力提供的? I'm sorry .I didn't mean it.Please forgive me. 长玻璃漏斗和短玻璃漏斗的区别和作用 That's all mean to sorry about that.i didn't mean to offend you.please do not take it seriously.good luck with your searching.you have a great day! 物质在不同条件下,一固液气的状态存在,这是组成物质的分子间的哪两个缘故? 固液气中,分子运动哪个快? it's not so 物理题,与动能定理,机械能守恒有关谁能帮我解释一下?谢谢 We can preserve meat in tins so that it does not go bad.我们可以把肉保存在罐头里,这样肉就不会坏.so不可以算引导词吗?还用that做什么啊? [00:56.06]that it`s not so bad,it`s not so bad [01:06.01]drank too much last night,能用word一次性把时间标签后的每句话的第一个词的小写字母改成大写吗? Mondays aren't so bad it's your job that sucks球翻译 随着温度的变化,物质在固、液、气三种状态之间的变化叫 caco3沉淀能溶解于hac溶液中 【急!】It's bad weather.You'd better_(not go)there today?空格里该填什么? It was ____ bad weather that we had to stay at homeA.so B.such C.very It is said that there is no weather in Britain. 帮我解释下:There is no guarantee (that) it will be a nice weather tomorrow 句子结构?能有句子结构方面说明吗?既没主语,又不清楚谓语在哪?希望能细分析下。对我现在刚入门的学习者 She like reading and so I do.为什么用so I doIt was such bad weather that we all had to syay inside.为什么用such而不用soI have never seen such big pears为什么用such而不用soI seen to have met you before为什么用before而不用yetTh baso3为什么溶于hcl可baso4不溶于hcl 为什么BaSO3溶于HCl BaSO3是溶于HCl的白色沉淀) HCl可以把BaSO3氧化成BaSO4吗久置的Na2SO3会变质吗 固液气物质分子的大小和质量怎么算? 苹果4反映很慢怎么回事 I have long understood thatI have long understand that I will be judged by my occupation..中的long —I have got a headcahe.—No wonder.You___in front of that comper too long.a,worked b,have been working 说下为什么!为什么她就一定还在工作呢?她工作完了,才觉得头痛不行吗 too long...是不是持续的意思?