
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:35:16
Two kinds of bread & tow kinds of fishes之间的差别在哪里?bread是物质名词,不可数.fish是不可数名词,但它是什么词类呢?两者都是复数形式,为什么bread不加s,而fish要加es?标题第二个two打错了 圣字加一部分组成新字,再组词 雨字开头的词语 be called 造句要5句 罗茨风机 英文怎么翻译? 风机轴承冷却水量1.2.0m3/h,冷却水压0.0.2MPA 翻译成英文, 英语翻译1 She is only best tricky.2 Chinese Shirley Temple 3 willful thougts 4 I got so bored that I started counting the bellows of the bay hile my mother drilled me in other areas.5 Cow jumps over the moon 6 It was like a stiff7 the fluffy skir two different kinds of traffic 翻译 Two robots cook different kinds of food 翻译, be called 和 named的区别I heard from a boy _______ Jack when I was in Canda.A.names B.is called C.named为什么选c? 关于be named 和 named的用法的区别?请告诉我上述两者的区别和用法,举例说明. called的与named的用法,这里的called是.a daughter called Jessica老师讲过,忘了 无电力风机怎么翻译? 英语翻译我要的是机械类说明书的相关术语,不是中文式翻译, 两种鱼two kinds of+fish还是+fishes啊! two kinds of fishes中fish为什么要加es 元朝政府设立“ ”加强对?-----今台湾的管辖 表示“像蜜糖一样好听的话”的词语()言()语 英语翻译Do you want to keep healthy?If the answer is ”yes“,you‘d better do at least one kind of sport and keep practicing it.Sport doesn’t simply mean”boring“and”tiring“.The following are two types of popular sport.Street Dancing all kinds of sport 中为什么用sport 而不用sports?(all kinds of 复数,)[all kinds of 后可加不可数名词或可数名词单数吗?]a kind of的用法呢? try all kinds of things until you find one two or three sports that feel right for 给下面的字加偏旁组成新字并组词(最少三个新字)帝,段,朝,见,旨,竟,高,以,建,切,奇,家,朋,百,童,舀,舌,工,尧,兆. 三极管发射结加正偏导通电压,集电极开路,那么发射结会不会导通呢?若导通,那么基极电流是否等于射极... 照样子写句子清山说 攀登吧 饱览无限的风光 满怀少年的豪情!仿写小溪说.天空说.大海说.快 照样子写句子清山说 攀登吧 饱览无限的风光 满怀少年的豪情 小溪说....天空说.....大海说........ 青山说:攀登吧,饱览无限的风光,满怀少年的豪情!仿句 小溪说……江河说……大海说…… 要字典上的意思! 桅杆直颤是什麽意思? 模型沙船中桅杆材料φ2×132是什么意思? 桅杆是什么意思? 致理想 你是怎样理解风雨会把船帆撕破恶浪会把桅杆打断的含义的? what does "pussy" means?can somebody translate it into chinese?em,i watched a video clip last night,in which there is a special cell phone.when you press its middle botton,it will emit electric pulse.so when people in this clip press the middle botto