
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:17:51
英语、语文好滴再再再次进来!题目、我会补充整体认读音节.zhi_________shi______ zi________ ___________________wu___________ ye________ ___________yin______ ___________ 完形填空,英语,选项在后面,看懂给 语文好的进来 英语好的也可以!指出“水的比重大于人体的比重”一句的主干主语:谓语:宾语:PS:我搞不懂 求求 会英语和语文的进来.+我Q416908398 一篇英语完形填空,求教几个选项Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it,and to go to their offices,factories or schools every day by train,car or bus,even though this _36__they have to get up earlier in the morning and rea 调查表内容我要组织关于可持续发展的团日活动,我想以调查表的形式开展,不知道大家有没有什么意见,最好是细致一点的,主题只要与可持续发展相关就可以,大家帮忙提一些调查的问题,多的 调查表可以写什么内容 ask 的对应词是什么意思是什么 ask是什么词 连词成句:is,match,to,watch,a,this,he,basketball,afternoon,going. 英语题,求选项求解答~1.Her first two books in this series arewell received,the thied one_____ next month.A to come out B coming out C will come out D having come out 2.I could not understand ______ word she said .A a very B a just C the singl 读英文回答问题 有选项When they think the rocks in a certain place may have oil,a metal tower is built.A machine in the tower cuts a hole down into the ground.At the same time,a steel pipe(钢管) is pushed down to stop the sides from fallin where does his brother from的同义句对不起,应该是where does his brother come from? ask的对应词和are的第三人称单数式 in at one side and out at the other side 用一个单词怎么解释 get out of bed on the same side you got in on是什么意思 out sideOutside stood the Greek army.为什么不是the Greek army stood Outside 第一句的outside是什么词性? Ask for a English name!thanksMy Chinese name is Yang Xiaoting,could you please help me to create an English name?I want my English name sounds similar with Chinese one,meaningful,and not too popular.if you could provide the meaning of name you create Ask for an English name!thanks!I want an English name.My Chinese name is Yan Wenhui,I hope my English name sounds similar with Chinese one and meaningful.could you please help me?thanks a lot! out of side enjoy out Thanks for the photo _____ your family.(填上介词) be going to 的用法土定要准啊! request和ask for有什么区别?并举例说明 request for sth与ask for sth有什么区别 ask for的同义词 用make a request do the chores ask for permission这些东西造句 总统制,议会制,责任内阁制,三权分立制分别是怎样定义的 责任内阁制和总统制有什么异同?简单讲就是比较美国的三权分立制度和日本的政治制度的异同? 过去式! 我的暑假收获 我的暑假收获了什么?水平一定要是初中水准,不要老幼稚的,什么我做了家务啊,当了一回家长啊什么的...而且文章要多,给了老长的横线呢...实在不行列个啥提纲也好啊.