
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:15:44
Is he Your cousin?Yes,____________ Is Helen your friend?__________横线是问答.第一个是it is还是he is 第二个是Yes,it is.还是Yes,she is. 1.Miss Smith is a friend of _____ .A.Mary's mother's B.Mary's mother C.Mother's of Mary D.Mary Mother's A/B哪个是对的?为什么?双重所有格的 My name is sam smith .My good friend junjun is in class 2,grade 4.改:把sam smith 改为 Sam Smithjunjun 改为Junjun class 和grade大写? Have they had any tea or milk? 张柏芝谢霆锋的儿子 张柏芝儿子lucas 近照 Lucas是谁的儿子RT They__bread and milk when they have afternoon to tea横线上该填什么?eat,have选哪个最佳呢? What don't they have when they have afternoon tea?汉意 Have they got any tea?怎么回答 谁能找到Today is last day Saturday before Christmas开头的完形填空,22点之前啊 要正确的Almost every in the USA_ shopping for presents._ is falling and people are walking fast.They are trying_ warm as they move from shop to shop.Insid today is the last satursay before christmas完形填空 Today is the last Saturday before Christmas.Everyone in the USA __1__ shopping for presents.__2__ is falling.People are walking fast.They are trying to keep __3__ when they move from shop to shop.In the shops children are __4__ at the toys.They are t I think science is more interesting than any other subject.=I think science is ___ ___ __subject oI think science is more interesting than any other subject.=I think science is ___ ___ __subject of all. 连词成句,一个: do,tea,coffee,which,you,perefer,or? I think p______ is an interesting subject.这里卫生么要填动词的ing形式呢?painting This subject is interesting(改为同义句) this — — —subject(—)上填单词 This subject is interesting.(改为同义句) this subject is interesting的同义词 This subject is interesting.改为同意句 红薯丸子是怎么做的?谢谢 很怀念小时候妈妈做的红薯丸子,刚炸的很酥,很香,剩下的再蒸一下放点糖也很美味!唉,真是想想都会流口水.但现在.5555.妈妈已经不在了,很想吃红薯丸子,但是又不会做, 地瓜丸子的做法今天吃去朋友的婚宴上吃到了一道叫地瓜丸子的菜,有甜又面真好吃,就是有点凉了. 怎么炸地瓜丸子不加别的蔬菜 There's nothing for us to do except _____the meeting.A.to put off B.put off C.to be put off D.putting off 为什么不是to put off?此类题该如何解答? There is nothing permanent except change 这句话是哪个名人说的 无忧无虑是什么意思? I love traveling,because it's very interesting中文意思 帮我看看这首荷花的诗,我自创的赏莲叶·忆往事夏日炎炎当空照,素花绿叶西湖中.泛舟其中赏莲叶,青纱少女也脸红.鱼儿游走莲叶间,莲女动腰挪金足.静闻此处净幽处,回忆往事独自愁. 献丑了 白居易的字. 儿童诗一首(自创)要一首儿童诗,必须自己编写,要根据《童年的水墨画》或《我想》来创作!自己编自创!十分以及特别的急! 求自创律诗一首,题材是关于校园的律诗不是八句的吗?怎么都四句的? 以《神七太空游》为题赋诗一首,不限题材赞美类型的诗歌