
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:05:48
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. 找语病(3点)爱因斯坦是最杰出的20世纪的科学家.他生于德国,后迁居美国,作为一个可以和牛顿相媲美的科学巨匠,他在物理学的领域内取得了重大贡献,其中最重要的是发现了相对论.汤姆生 Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love!我想知道这句话的意思,其实每个单词的意思我都知道,但是组成一句话之后翻译出来就总是感觉不对,不是我要的那种感觉,是爱因斯坦的 下面这段文章有三处语病,请找出来并加以改正:①十一黄金周期间,杭州所采用的小型车辆换乘办法,是国内首创新举措.②交警部门同时采用的环西湖单向交通组织和公交优先体系,让今年黄 Gravitation is not reponsible for people falling in love Gravity is not responsible for falling in love 安静得像一面镜子是什么词语 湖 面平静.湖面平静的像一面镜子.写俩个类似的句子. start with that point怎么用汉语翻译? 英语翻译一份演讲里的,我知道意思,但如何翻译比较得体? 翻译people show great love and care for翻译people show great love and care for their pet 风停了,雨还要下吗? 如何做一个完美(人人羡慕)的女生!要学习好长的好身材好就是办事都很有能里那种!如何做一个完美女生呢! Let me ____you study math.1.help 2.to help 3.helping 4.helps 请问选择什么? 一年里太阳什么季节升的高一些,什么季节低?为什么? 她的心像无风的湖面那么平静.(修改病句) 怎样的女人最完美? 什么样的女人是最棒的呢? Alice always w() that she can't pass the exam The man ________a lot,he ________ fatter.A:has changed; has become B:changed;become 应该选择A吧 The city has changed little in the last__years为什么填few不用a few? Y (^~^) Perfect girl 就是你 please stop [ ] to the boys.they are all [ ].A; talking,sleptB;to talk,asleepC;talking,sleepingD;to talk,sleeping必须有理由 Please stop________(talk).I have something important to tell you.单词正确形式填空 昆明一年内正午太阳在哪个季节升的最高? His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make out what it is he is trying to expresd这里what it is 后面是感叹句吗?为什么不用加that? His writing is so confusing that it is difficult to make out it is he is trying to express.A.thatB how C who D. What这是什么从句具体的解释 What about going to help the old man?同义句转换 How about ( )the old man?Ahelping Bhelp Cto help Dhelps 再顺便问下,how about和what about的区别 谁知道五年级上学期第3篇课文是什么 用没有,没有,但造句 就像五年级上半期第26课读书在读书里面的句子一样.我没有去过非洲,没有去过南极大陆,但我却领略过非洲大陆的美丽风情,为南极洲的圣洁天地深深陶醉. 五年级上学期第三课