
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:14:10
The old lady could hardly believe that she had got the travel pass to Hong Kong so easily翻译 1、Millie _____(buy) many clothes when she has the chance to travel to Hong Kong.2、The localgoverment is paying more attention to _____ (solve)the water-pollution problem,which is good news for us. Please tell them.We didn't have a party yesterday.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) I will tell them my theory.(改为一般疑问句)my 需要改成 your I will tell them my theory.(改为否定句) 英语翻译 Does Mike's mother like to go hiking?回答;Yes,() Have you found ( )adderss that you wanted?怎么填 have you found out __yes,Mr.Brown said it was for Mrs.White.A.whose letter is it B.who receives the letter C.where the letter is D.who has written the letter The teachers are very busy now.(对busy提问) --- --- the teachers now? 英语中 什么叫表语 什么叫定语 什么叫状语 什么叫副词 什么叫情态动词 麻烦讲通俗详细一点~ He is imaginative enough to think of new ideas(同义句)He is imaginative enough to __ __ __new ideas they are very busy these days.they only have one day to rest这里的to rest能不能换成for rest,这时rest是名词 定语从句缺表语只能用关系副词 which 些错了,关系副词改成关系代词When deeply absorbed in work,__he often was,he would forget all about eating 高一了英语语法还不是很精通,谁能和我详解一下,什么叫定语、定语从句、表语、谓语、关系副词、状语、动名词,我是英语渣. Does he jump high?为什么这里用Does/而不用Is? ( ) you jump high?A.Is B.Can C.Does 翻译:为了美好生活而努力! 暮光之城4:破晓(上)中的插曲,演唱者Christina Perri 求a thousand years伴奏~~麻烦请发到邮箱wangxi96@163.com 求Christina Peris 的 a thousand years 高清完整版MP3,wengyirou@163.com 求A Thousand Years-Christina Perri~~~~邮箱55667683@163.com谢谢~! Christina Perri 的 a thousand years 铃声高潮版.邮箱haodixie@163.com 订两间房是make two rooms reservation还是make two room reservations,或者room和reservation都加s My friend are happy, I am happy too=My friend are happy.____ ____ ____坐等神人 I want to have zhe muise of The WHITE,please send it me to my email.kezhongjiezhe@163.com orz的意思是什么呢谢谢了, 网络用语 物体以一定的初速度冲上一个固定的光滑斜面,到达斜面最高点时,已知物体运动到斜面长度3\4处b时,所用时间t.问物体从b点到c点所需时间 “把书架的空间让出来”用make room for 怎么翻译成英语 高一物理题:一细线的一端固定于倾角为45度的光滑斜面A的顶端P处另一端拴一个质量为m的小球,当斜面以加速度=1/2g向右运动时,小球对滑块的压力FN=?请写出详细分析过程. 谈谈你对春秋时期争霸战争的看法