
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 00:31:06
求推荐一本最基础的口语教程,附光盘MP3的!要从音标开始教的那种. — is her elder brother —The worker repairing a car over there. 君不见高堂明镜生白发,朝如青丝暮成雪,这个什么含义?是我分手后的女朋友给我留的言,有什么含义?我要怎么回她啊? The oranges taste terribly .None of us likes them.改错 "how horny are you? "什么意思? are you horny?在网络聊天中是什么意思呢? hi sweeety are you horny? are u a horny f啥意思 用x表示5位数 7x分之x7=4分之1 那么这个5位数是多少 问horny在英语的口语中是什么意思经常看到horny,请教一下是什么意思 外国人如何用英语理解英语意思我发觉我们是用中文理解英语意思感觉上就是听了句英语都是以中文形式在脑子了浮现 想知道外国人怎样听了英语还是用英语方式理解 1.much,me ,Green ,to ,Mr.,help ,offered,_________________________________________ Has anyone called the police怎么回答A.Yes,they have.B.No,he hasn't.C.Yes,he has.D.No,they have.为啥咧. Has_____called the police?中间填none吗 纸星星用心形礼盒装还是玻璃星星瓶装好 送给男朋友的 为什么说袁世凯篡夺了辛亥革命果实?(要独到见解,不要网上复制)辛亥革命的最大成就是推翻了清朝统治,而这其中当然不乏革命党人的努力,但直接迫使清帝退位的是袁世凯.革命党人完全 It's 6:00 .I ______(get) up.时态填空相关语法? 补全对话:A:Get up ,Jack It's 6:30.B:Mom ,I'm ( ) terrible .A:Oh ,what's ( ) with补全对话:A:Get up ,Jack It’s 6:30.B:Mom ,I’m ( ) terrible .A:Oh ,what’s ( ) with you B:M aybe I’m dying .A:How ( ) have you felt ( ) this B:One day .A:( ) don't forget ROAD STATION BIEI OKANOKURA怎么样 ROAD STATION HIGASHIKAWA MICHIKUSAKAN怎么样 2,Station Road,31750 Tronoh,PerakJalan Sungai Raja,31600 Gopeng,Perak9-10,(Tingkat 1),Jalan Persatuan,35500,Bidor,Perak100,Jalan Gopeng,31900 Kampar,Perak232,Jalan Beloh,31100 Sungai Siput (U),PerakJalan Mustapha Al-Bakri,这些城市和街道在马 Sue is washing the car改被动语态 另 Peter cleans the windows every day改成 The windows will be cleaned by peter every day 造句:1、……如……,……如……2、……先…再…还… Mr.Green is ____looks.( ) 选项如下.A.not soold as he B.not as old as I C.more old than me D.much old than me 英语翻译 A person is typing怎么翻译? 帮忙翻译下 There is not a person帮忙翻译下 There is not a person so your red eyes,you still smile forgive... performed beijing opera造句 the violin was bought by him many years ago同义句改写(四句)最好在1.29(22:00)前回答. 你能说出这些岛屿所归属的国家吗?(越多越好)1.埃尔斯米尔岛 2.大不列颠岛 3.巴芬岛 4.加里曼丹岛 5.格陵兰岛 6.马达加斯加岛 7.维多利亚岛 8.本州岛 9.苏门答腊岛 10.新几内亚岛 请翻译:where is the thumb driver?