
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:47:27
a cake 德奥管业--有谁知道,做伟星PE管用的都是什么原料?越详细越好, 有谁知道,做PE管用的都是什么原料?越详细越好, a piece of cake Chinese food is __(taste) than western food,I think.I discuss his boring and ___(meaning) talking. People say that the chinese food is better than the western food同义句_____ _____ _____ that western food isn't _____ _____ _____the chinese food. improve in与improve on的区别 western fast food in China i want give up english today i want give up english ,but later ,i know i can't give up english i te improve in和improve on 什么意思?能不能帮忙找几句例句来解释一下. improve on sth.为什么要用on I'm a food lover.Chinese food is my fvorite.I spend a lot of money on food every month,ma This is the way we write _____ pencils. ------all Chinese food,my favorite is the dumpling.A.At B.On C.Of promote 与 improve 怎样区分?rt improve promote develop 有什么区别呢? 请问enhance , improve, develop, increase ,proceed的区别 "peek in on 铜—浓硝酸—铝原电池中氧化铝薄膜导电吗? 形容害怕得举动失常,不止如何是好的成语是什么?是什么成语啊? improve 与promote的意思辨析 "in different grades"中文意思是什么 My grandma often makes the food. I like the food .合并成一句 five ways to improve return on equity原文出处及作者是? in my view的同义词除了IN MY OPINIONTO MY THINKIN MY MIND 鸟为什么喜欢追随大海上的大轮船飞如题,是不是因为轮船行驶时排出的气流可以帮助鸟儿飞行 my view on educational system in China 鱼为什么浮不出水面?鸟为什么飞不过大海?女儿的提问让我无语.特求助 我本以为小鸟飞不过大海是因为它没有勇气 10年后我才知道是因为大洋那头早已没有了等待”她的话到底有哪些意思 give you heart into ererything and try your best to do ererything我想表达这个意思 可以帮我整理一下语序嘛?而且检查一下有没有语病. take me into your heart and pour out your heart''