
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:08:31
几道让我很纠结的英语题……各位帮帮忙啊、、、1.She is still too young to realize her mistakes,but I'm sure that she will ______ realize how serious a mistake she has made sooner or later.A.come to B.prefer to C.turn to D.like to You' re always with me ,are' t you? always with me always with you 谱子always with me always with you 吉他谱 英语发音nai cuo li 乃错丽 求单词拼写 华 我一生只爱你一人.用英文怎么写?Hua You are my only love for life 华 我一生只爱你一人。不知道这样写法正不正确? 武陵春 李清照 有人认为这首词绝妙的是末句,你同意这种看法吗?为什么? 4、填入下面文字中横线上的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是( )要原因——充足4、填入下面文字中横线上的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是( )(3分)四月春风里摇曳的青草嫩尖, There isn't enough sugar in this .I prefer -------- tea用形容词比较级填空 There isn't any milk in the glass 同意句 Peter works harder than any other student in his clasPeter works harder than any other student in his class.(保持句意基本不变)Peter ____ ____in his class. seek for 与seek after的区别 seek for和seek after 有何区别? 腾字可以加什么部首 仍去掉部首是啥字快 点 o(>﹏ 请问SI cut off time I Would like to know whose will response give all information to forwarder before the SI cut off. 外贸中SI 有补料的意思吗? 英语翻译by an irrevocable and confirmed documentary letter ofcredit,to be opened in our favour without any cost for us with a first class bank in your country available with Commerzbank AG,Filiale Saarbrücken,BIC Code COBADEFF590,within 6 weeks 英语翻译□your ADVANCE under □D/A □D/P□D/A □D/Pissuing or nominated bank’s payment under the DOCUMENTARY CREDIT(the “credit”)without financingyour NEGOTIATION by way of □advancing funds or □agreeing to advance funds under the C 椅子的英语和鸟的英语怎么拼 Seek for和Seek to的区别?如题…… 8.He felt rather___as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party.A.in placeB.in the placeC.by the wayD.out of place “杰克上周过生日”介词用什么? The fellow felt rather( )as he was the only person that wore sportswear at the party1.in place2.out of place3.by the way4.in the way Frank felt _____ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the ball.1.in place 2.in the way 3.out of the way 4.out of place 在什么什么上面用该是什么介词 帮我翻译一下i wonder who you would rather have make the speech instead of you at the new year party 英语翻译The order binds only the company issuing it,rather than the PIMKIE Group as a whole.bind和issue在这里是什么意思?整句话都看不太懂呢~ 在我几岁生日的时候介词in on at 那个sorry,我意思是:在我12岁生日的时候,这句...没具体日期啊,用哪个? 阿廖沙的性格中有哪些是你最喜欢最钦佩的?列举实力说说为什么 英文中want to的缩写怎么发音? The problem ________ at the meeting yesterday.A.came to B.came across C.came up D.came up with为什么不选D 翻译:“search for”和“search from”这句英语句子.