
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:54:19
因式分解:-9x+1/4+81x^2 My sister( )(like)to play football 证明关于X的方程(x-a)(x-a-b)=1的两个根中的一个大于a,另一个小于a they have four classes in the morning神马意思 they have four classes in the morning改为单数形式是什么 they have four classes in the moring.提问They have four classes in the moring.写成英语的问句 方程组6m+n=6+3a m+5n=2-a 的解满足m+n大于且等于6,求a的范围 若方程组/5m+n=1-a 的就满足m+n>0,则a的取值范围为:\m+5n=2 A:a>3 B:a<3 C:a≥3 D:a≤3若方程组/5m+n=1-a 的就满足m+n>0,则a的取值范围为:\m+5n=2 A:a>3 B:a<3 C:a≥3 D:a≤3 My sister isn't afraid to speak in p___ My sister used to c___ gum a lot .What about you - I think about _____ (go)to my sister's.How about you - I'll just stay at home _____ (watch) TV . they tell us some ways ( )English well.A each B learning C to learn D teaching .请问哪个对? 方程组 3/m-2/n=2 5m-2n=4 when do you have english classes?we have english classes ____ monday___ friday 用方程组解答,二元一次方程,用初二的只是回答小明以两种形式分别储蓄了2000元和1000元,一年后全部取出,扣除利息所得税后可得利息43.92元.已知这两种储蓄年利率的和为3.24%,问:这两种储蓄 5m-n=7 5m+2n=-2 加减法方程组 详细过程. We often have English classes in the morning.改为We often have English classes in the morning.改为过去时 Some students had more specific ways__(learn) English 解方程组:3m-5n+23=0,5m+n-27=0要过程的 Frank will cone up with some ways to learn more English(改为同义句)Frank will ()()some ways to learn more English 已知{m=-2 n=1是关于m.n的方程组{am+3b=n 5n+bm=3a的解 英语好的人进来 My sister (是don't还是doesn't?) like banan英语好的人进来My sister (是don't还是doesn't?) like bananaTom likes (是hamburger还是pears?)(是Do还是Does?) you like booksDo they like (是pear还是pears还是tomatous? 会场上乱作一团(比喻句)牵牛花开了(拟人句) which subject your sister (like) better, english or chinese My sister doesn't like math.(改为肯定句) My sister _________ math. 已知一元二次不等式x^2-ax+1>0的解集为A(1)若A=R,求实数a的取值范围(2)若a=t+1/t(t≠0),试说明集合A≠∮,并求集合A(3)若不等式x∈[0,+∞)恒成立,求实数a的取值范围 140%X—X=180(这个方程怎么解?) 2份之1乘(X+1)=4份之3 解方程 解方程:5份之3乘2份之1减X=5份之1急, 英语专家,这句话:His sister doesn't like tennis这句话对不对? “你妈的”这个词是什么时候开始流行的? 二次函数f(X)=mx²-(1-m)x+m的图像与x轴不相交,求m的取值范围.