
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:15:41
What can he do的中文 What could he do?Jerking off,he was in jail because she,a prostitute who served him,accused him that he didn't pay for her service. what could he do?中文 木字旁右边加一个神是什么字? his parents----him from going swimming in the river as it was going to rainA forbade B discouraged 感觉AB都可以啊,哎 迷糊了 He was__(lose)in the forest and he fell __(sleep)He was__(lose)in the forest and he fell__(sleep)because he was too tired. 【选择】There are many things ___ the table-plates,bowls and glasses.There are many things ___ the table-plates,bowls and glasses.A,inB,onC,underD,at There are many potatos and tomatoes on the plates 改错 请问一个词,'' Dr.Know '' Dr.是不是什么的缩写.都有看到写Dr.XX但是Dr是什么意思不懂啦. he,lose his pen,he,go sighting in the city,when用适当的行驶连词成句, he,lose his pen,he,go sighting in the city,when连词成句还有几题我做好了,When the sun shone,we were coming out.She was working in a factory when the city was liberated.I was seeing him while he was crossing the street. 连词成句the,his,schoolbag,in,lost,he,library tell me why? 我是否可以问你那个面试的成绩.Is this correct.Is this correct.1)may I check with you the result of the interview. OP是ONE PIECE两个单词的缩写吗?123 cs中,是哪个单词的简写? 动画的OP和ED到底是哪些词的缩写?如果有详细的说明更好. You are safe in my heart And my heart will go on andon Rainy days make me sad对.sad画线提问的疑问词为什么是how Rainy days make me (sad)对括号里提问 杜甫的《春望》中“白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪”如何理解? 新东方的托福中级听力和中级阅读难度如何?六月份要考六级了,我想用这两本练习一下. 北京新东方直通车托福冲90分入班测试难不难?大概是什么难度?有没有做过的来现身说法一下 Rainy days make me sad.是什么时态? You are safe in my heart so my heart will go on and on.我英语水平低, 新概念一册时态英语问题.前提:包括 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在完成时 一般将来时 现在进行时 【要求:题目最好都保证全对,请速来正确回答】1.He often______ his clothes on Sundays.(wash)2.I’ 朗文新托福听力特训这本书怎么样?一个韩国人出的那本 I can swim.这句话的主谓宾时什么? 分析句子:I can't without you 这个句子对吗 对请分析主谓宾等等 The lady always ( )in white at the party.wears,dresses,is worn,gets dressed?应该填哪个呢? The lady always __ in black at the party老师对答案时说是dresses可不是 be dressed in 么……到底哪个是正确的 dress in 可以直接用吗