
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:43:26
请判断画线部分读音是否相同,相同的画√,否则画× name late we 【画线部分是e】map name thanks 【画线部分是a】 father age ded 【画线部分是a】 It is 【 a black pen 】 【对括号里的内容提问】 【 】is 我还有一个问题想请教你 判断下面画线的部分的读音是否相同,相同的画"/"不相同的画"X"1.cry ry画线.study dy画线()2.high gh画线.lough gh画线 ()3.queen qu画线.quit qu画线()4.when wh画 优秀共产党员先进事迹材料 连词成句:mother,me ,made,new,a ,on,dress,my birthdaythanks! 冥王星被开除出十大行星家族的原因?还有太阳系是怎样组成的? 怎样背单词更有效?我有本词汇书,本想拿来背的,可是发现里面很多单词见都没见过,根本我从下手, \'\'A( )has three hands and it can tell us the time.\"怎么填? 英语中哪些动词后不能+宾语从句 Our kids can't tell time if the clock has My mother has a beautiful dress.划在beautifulMy mother has a beautiful dress.划在beautiful dress对划线部分提问 I konw it takes a l___ more time my mother wore a new dress yesterday否定句 改错句.(把句子中括号里的单词错误的在句后改正) 1.He (washes) (his) face (two times) (a day)._____2.We (need) (be) (quiet) (in) the library._____3.(Not) (throw) rubbish (on) the floor,please._____4.I (should) (to make) some (me 中国优秀共产党员有哪些 优秀共产党员的标题我准备写“俯首甘为孺子牛,昂首愿做……”后面接什么词好呢 三年级语文期末作文小学3年级下册作文题目(越多越好) BIOS中BootUp Floppy Seek是什么? Boot Up Numlock Status gradually,when the time passes we can do,求翻译 包括作文例文44期版面,有作文的那个算了我不要了- -我要语数英科同步配套练习的所有答案- 哈哈哈还要一篇关于月球的科幻作文,散文类的,突出重点,有意义,和教育 We don't have any classes on Friday afternoon.(同义) We__ ___classes on Friday afternoon. 求一篇高一语文期中作文的范文“创造新陆地的,不是那滚滚的波浪,却是它底下细小的泥沙.”能写什么样的议论文啊,给提示怎么写的,谁能给了范文啊 floppy 1ST FLOPPY 请问下 floppy bird什么意思 lst floppy drive We have classes from 8:00am to 3:00 pm.(改为一般疑问句)My brother does his homework (at 8:00 pm)就打括号部分提问 His teacher likes (to play volleyball) on weekends.就打括号部分提问 Open the door when you are out.改为否定句 If one day,what influenced u won't move u any more,u'll know how quickly time flies,what the life g do you know what he did all day?He spant as mach time playing as he -------- Do you know if they ______(play)basketball next time. My mother bought some ___ and ___ in the mall yesterday.A food drink B foods drinks C foods drink D food drinks这两个词什么时候可数什么时候不可数? 英语定语从句详解,小弟主要是不清楚那些that where 的用法,各种引导词那些的.如题,我的定语从句各种不好,基础性的也不太懂,看到好的我会继续追加的!