
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:53:18
The book is written in so easy English that beginners can understand it well 哪错了,为什么 The new storybook is written in( ) easy English ( ) beginners can understand.答案选such ;as 为什么不选such;that the book may be a bit thick but it's written in easy english---the book may be a bit thick but it's written in easy English.----that's fine ,______it will be too much for the kids to read.a and b or c so d for this book is written in so easy english that beginners can understand it well 哪有错? 问个数学概率的题,设(m n /0 语文出版社2012版7年级上册后面的10首诗词是什么?最好有图片 存在任意有限个连续合数什么意思?是“存在任意有限个连续整数且他们都是合数”,还是“存在任意有限个合数并且这个序列中任意相邻两个合数之间不能再有合数,但可以有素数”,是前者还 帮我看看这些关于 primary election A primary election is an election wherein the voters choose who the candidates will be in the general election.Thus,no one is elected to office in a primary election.Rather,the winners in a primary election w primary这个英语单词怎么读 写因为,所以,xiexie 54运动的历史意义是什么 我现在是高一,我想知道现在我应该打好什么基础?特别是语文方面.还有我分科可能选择化学 请问现在要积累什么吗? 1.修改病句A,××市为大部分农民工办理了银行卡,建立工资“月支付,季结算”,维护了广大农民工的合法权益.B.来这里聚会的无论老少,都被他清晰思路、开朗的性格、乐观的情绪及坚定的信心 语文怎么提高基础知识水平?高一结束了,语文基础知识一直很烂, 怎样才能学好英语、语文?我现在高一下学期,英语、语文基础不好,现在还来得及吗?我真的想学我有背单词,可背了不用一会就会不记得,语法也不大懂,语文不会写作文,我应该怎么做? 关于历史问题,请帮我解答~xiexie1)西方资本——帝国主义入侵对近代中国社会发展的影响. 如何认识太平天国农民战争的意义和失败原因、教训? 孙中山三民主义思想的演变及当代启示.2) 15题,xiexie xiexieThough his faher ______for many years……A has retired B has been retired 为啥要be 而不选A?--Yeterday was Saturday ,you ______to work.--I thought it was FridayA didn‘t have to go B needn’d have goneIn order to host the World‘s Fai English Study Center needs a weekend teacher for students改为一般疑问句 用所给单词的适当形式填空english study center needs a weekend teacher who enjoys用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)english study center needs a weekend teacher who enjoys_______(tell) jokess(2)it's imporatant __________(have)good frien The Study Center needs a weekend teacher_primary school students.用适当介词.连词填空 students go to school to study but to study needs s right way ,英语短文填空 Can you help me study English at the weekend?Can you help me _____ _____ ______ at the weekend? 怎么背历史上事件的意义?历史上发生的事件太多了,还有意义,影响等等.都好难背!还有4天就会考了,背了就忘!怎么办呢? 怎样把历史书上的时间和事件以及它的意义背出来如题 SENIOR ENGLISH FOR CHINA STUDENT’S BOOK5 像English book、Chinese book是什么词性木有了 The Chinese book is —— than the English book.英译汉The English book is thinner than the Chinese book. The Chinese book is —— than the English book.英译汉 It's____English book,not_____Chinese book用a/an填空ji 《世说新语》中《咏雪》中的“未若”,“因”,“即”,“儿女”,“俄”,“骤”,. 南京现代名人事迹,快 世说新语咏雪的主题思想是什么