
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:44:49
怎么用to one's surprise/be full of/enter for造句.急是要在一句句子中都用上. 用to one's surprise造句如题 索溪峪的“野” 作者具有丰富的想象力,看到山联想到什么,看到山又联想到什么 16题,电化学原电池方面 童趣第二自然段体现作者丰富的联想和想象力的句子是 关于锌铜原电池锌不是被氧化了么为什么不会产生气体呢?还有就是在这个原电池里面,电解质溶液为什么不能直接和Zn反应呢?这个原电池里产生的电流的电量就是阳极或阴极失去或得到的电 “想像力”和“想象力”有什么区别吗 负极锌的溶液一定要是ZNSO4么? is,gift,it,birthday,a,mum,my,from连词成句 You will (have to leave )if you shout at the party 对括号部分提问( )( ) ( )( ) you if you shout at the party? You will have to leave if you shout at the party.(对画线部分提问)画线部分是have to leave don't run or shout at the party .if you do ,you'll have to leave Keep quiet at the party,or you will have to leave.(改为同义句) 中国和法国的文化差异(用英语说) 表现手法 联想 想象 有什么区别?请举例 不要概念 1、联想手法与想象手法的含义与区别 2、收集课外作品中运用了联想和想象的片段.在网上很难找到,解答的童鞋给个网址链接也可以【注:不要给游戏或者广告的网址链接】 滚筒抛光机适合抛光什么材料?我是做首饰的. 由锌片,铜片和 200mL稀H2SO4组成的原电池.当在铜片上放出1.68L(标准状况)气体时,H2SO4恰好消耗一半.则产生这些气体的同时,共消耗多少克锌?原硫酸的物质的量的浓度是多少? 请问用胶类合成的昆虫琥珀怎样抛光.用震动抛光机啊还是滚筒抛光机具体怎么操作, 化学原电池题目由铜片,锌片和200ml稀硫酸组成的原电池由铜片、锌片和200mL稀硫酸组成的原电池中,若锌片发生电化腐蚀,则当铜片上共放出3.36L(标准状况)气体时,硫酸恰好全部作用完.试计算:(1 now she has new looks 为什么要looksnow she has new looks 为什么要looks She looks worried.look为什么要加s 有首英文歌 i remember you word to say we will never gone say goodbye say laladadada tell me..有首英文歌 i remember you word to say we will never gone say goodbye say laladadada tell me had again back to at summer..with you(男的唱的很 She has a new srt teacher.为什么要用has?请尽量用通俗易懂的句子回答, 用now改写句子 she looks at her newphotos.she______ ______at her new photosnow. Would you please give me a hand? -Would you please give me a hand and take the bookcase upstairs?-______A.with pleasure B.MY pleasure C.of course I do D.Yes,that's all right为什么选A 不选B呢?. -Would you please be ___ give me a hand -It's my pleasureA.kind as to B.kind enough C.so kind as to D.as kind as 如何培养丰富的想象力?如题 Would you please give me a hand?Otherwise I cannot finish the work_____.为什么空格处选before he comes,而不是when he comes? _____ interesting the film is!interesting是形容词,选what an 为什么不对?_____ interesting the film is!a.what B.what an c.how d.how an interesting是形容词,选what an 为什么不对? what an interesting film Auatar is!(同义句)