
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:53:37
请教英语中,you have an obligation 怎样连读?是have an一起连读呢,还是把an分开,a和前面的have一起读,n和后面的obligation一起读.或者其他, If you install an outside antenna,...怎么连读 you的连读有谁知道you 是如何连读的啊 and you,don‘t you,about you 一些会读 但不知道为什么 还有有听过Moves like jagger 第一句歌词么“ Just you shoot for the stars”这是如何连读的啊 求解释 ——— his short father ,Mike is tall and thin.(like) 用括号正确形式填空 "I am all about you"是什么英文歌里的歌词大神们帮帮忙是个男的唱的. most kids of his age什么意思avoid the distractions of most kids of his age.也把这个翻译一下,谢谢~~~ The Forbidden forbidden city是什么意思 以交通安全为主题,给起一个题目 求亚伦·卡特的i'm all about you的翻译 英语翻译it's all about you (it's all about you)it's all about you babyit's all about you (it's all about you)it's all about youyesterday you asked me something i thought you knewso i told you with a smile,it's all about youthen you whispered in m palatial forbidden city 中文意思? An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM. 使用中的台式机出现error :no boot disk has been detected or the dsk has failed,为什么啊 1.even+比较级 2.than anyother 3.than most+名词复数 各造五句!1.even+比较级2.than anyother3.than most+名词复数 which 后面为什么还用has been 这个时态,我认为应该用过去完成时A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. 现在完成时的那个has been也是过去发生的,他为什么不用过去完成时直接给我说哦,别让我去查,能查我早查了 has 或have been 怎么用?它跟过去完成时是一样的吗 has anyone ever been lost here before 这是过去完成时么? 庄子在《逍遥游》和《齐物论》中的哲学思想是什么? Tom always ______(visit) his grandmother every month. ______ fast can Tom run!填what还是how This program has been damaged……是什么意思?This program has been damaged,possibly by a bad sector of the hard drive or a virus.Please reinstall it. 英语翻译continue using folderenhancer,youmust purchase it via the cydia store.your devise woll now restart to safe mode so that you may either purchase or uninstall this software The Origin of the English Idiom哪位帅哥(美女)知道英语习语的来源的啊 要英文版的 急用 谢谢 I'm quieter than most of the kids in my class,and _so_ is_ my frind.划线部分为什么是so is? I like to have friends wuo are like me.Im quiter than most fo the kids in my class,and my best friend Yuan Li is quite,too.There are some differences,though.Im smarter than Yuan LI.she is more athletic James Green 帮忙把它换成第3人称 内容 l am quieter and more serious than most 阅读题《雨中》的答案快 不是《雨中的...》就叫《雨中》. the Forbidden City 的英标是什么 the Forbidden City 译为紫禁城 抗日前有什么爱国人士!急! 王长喜系列四级的书是不是只有历年真题点评和预测试题两种版本?想买真题的套题,但不清楚那个历年真题点评是不是每题旁边紧跟解析的那种,还是套题与答案解析分开的那种(想要第二种