
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:38:31
阅读题中作为一个名词出现的“Bel Air”是什么意思问题补充: 神武神行任务是什么 英语填空1.If you drive after drinking ,you will be p_____.2.The beautiful scenery was b——words.We all lost ourselves in it.3.C———these two pictures carefully,you'll find the differences between them.4.--Is everyone here --No,Lily is a _ 英语首字母填空 you wil be put into the p------ for some days if you drive after drinkingi can not decide w------- to go or not . 12、On no _____ will you be allowed to drive after drinking alcohol.A.occasion B.circumstance C.situation D.condition 57.On no _____ will you be allowed to drive after drinking alcohol.A) occasion B) circumstance C) situation D) condition Shame 怎么念?用汉语怎么念这个单词? thats a shame 是什么意思? oh,okey是什么意思 it's 在口语里面可以解释为“没关系”么? okey_kid的含义是什么? well okey 动物们干什么英语怎么说快.急用 One of the farmers____(grow)rice here every year. 上帝喜悦的女人?上帝喜悦的女人是什么样子的呢?温柔?顺服?愿上帝赐福弟兄姐妹,阿门! 怎么让上帝得喜悦 怎么理解“上帝是看不见恶的”古希腊某神学家说过:上帝是看不见恶的.怎么理解这句话? what---the boats?can you see them?(在横线上填写介词) Please be quite.You shouldn’t talk in the library. plant_____ trees on the mountain every year.A.two hundred of B.hundreds of Did you see the person_____new motorbike was stolen A.whom B.who C.which D.whose the person ___ you were talking to was an american.a.who b.whom c.which d.as He seems to be a teacherd的同义句 He seems to be friendly.变同义句,___ ___ ___he is friendly. ( )35.Please ____ eat ____ drink in the library.A.not; or B.not; andC.don’t; or D.don’t; and Last week I wrote to the hotel to book a room,but they _____ yet.LastweekIwrotetothehoteltobook a room,but they _____ yet.A.didn't answerB.wasn't answeringC.hadn't answered D.haven't answeredyet不是要用完成时态么,为什么答案选A呢? 关于any的用法问题any好像是只能加上名词的负数形式或者不可数名词?那这句话:According to some theorists, what any particular bird can eat could change with even the slightest variation in the shape of its beak.这里的a some questions ( ) by his teacher .A are being asked to him .B are being asked him.A还是B 我看全对 ats can survive falling from a very high place.They can turn themselves up in the right way so as Many students have cats at home.Do you know cats can survive falling from a very high place.They perhaps with people you know well这是属于什么类型的句子 其中with是什么意思 在句中做什么用 any 和 some在句子中的不同用法