
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:42:45
有哪些成语里面带chen读音的字?要好的方面的, 求带发音kūn字的四字成语不要贬义词 越多越好! -Mrs Black,could you give me some advice on how to write an application letter?-With pleasure.Remember that the letter should be written in the formal ---.A.value B.style C.effect D.mood can you give me some advice这里some 不用改any 什么时候这样用 5 Mother does most of ___ at home.A.cleaning B.a clean C.the cleaning D.clean麻烦帮看一下,这道题为什么选C.定冠词在这里怎么解释,这句话怎么翻译比较好, could you give me some advice和could you give me any advice 有什么区别 can you give me some advice on how to learn English well这里的介词为何用on不用about 活着 of? I don't agree with you 口语能读成 I don'(t-a)gree with you连起来读te可以吗为什么不要发t音` I don't agree with you.=I don't _____ _____ 翻译‘我对这些错误表示道歉 英语翻译用英文翻译 但是我表示抱歉的是:英文怎么翻译? 英语翻译时间就是生命,鲁迅先生说:“浪费自己的时间等于慢性自杀,浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命.”这就说明了珍惜时间的重要性.The time is the life,Mr.Lu Xun said that,"Wastes own time to be equal to th when does your mother leave home every morning ? (怎么回答)vb when does your father arrive ___ home?为什么填at?home 之前不加任何介词的吗? When does your father arrive 什么 home(at可以么)可是home前不是可以加at么, 系(xi ji)好小舟,系的读音!急.后天就要交了! when does your grangpa come home()work When does your aunt usually ____ home?A.gets B.get C.get to D.go to 《周易.系辞上》中"系"的读音是xi还是ji Write a letter to ask for a pen pal write a letter to ask for a pen Write a letter to Sam to ask him to be your pen pal 的中文是什么? i want to ask you to write a letter of recommendation ,这语法不对怎么修改我知道语法肯定不对,好多谓语动词,请问怎么修改 xiū有这种发音的汉字吗? we all took _for granted that he would agree with us 空格处填什么 He side that he would agree with us.近义句 He side that he would ___ ___ ___ us. It did not occur to me that you would not agree with 常见英语礼貌用语 Does your mother walk aiot every day?回答 does your mother watching tv every day 是错的.订:does your mother watch tv every day .谁能说下我错的理由 ——Does your mother get up late every day?——No,she doesn't.She gets up earlier thean _____ in my family.A.any persons B.ang other person C.any person D.all the person