
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:56:02
谁知道Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering,ISSN 1934-8932,这期刊的情况,是不是骗人期刊 journal of material engineering and performance 是sci吗 Journal of Materials and Chemical Engineering是EI收录吗?怎么查的呢? journal of agricultural engineering and biotechnology是sci吗 英语问题she said that she was so to get the prize.”处填lucky还是luckily? 波兰人名的翻译Alex Szewczyk 谢谢! 英语翻译把 “格泽高滋·W·科勒德克”这个名字翻译回去的波兰语是什么! DJAW JAN FEN 翻译中文是什么名字 He said he knew everything about it.Don't believe him.He didn't hear the plan ()discuss at all.动词填空,动词是discuss I said I _(can not)hear him. 翻译I L Y otto jan chipchase 是一个人的名字,怎么翻译啊 关于法语疑问句的一点疑问,在简明法语中,谈到疑问句,说:“当疑问句的主语是名词时,主谓语倒装有两种形式”:1.疑问词+ 动词+名词主语(其中举了例子):A quelle heure commence la soiree?还有 法语小问题,关于疑问句疑问句中,在疑问词后面句子的句式什么时候是陈述句式,什么时候是倒装句式?比方说:Quand tu es arrive?这个句子Quand 后面的句子是陈述句式,可以说出Quand es tu arrive吗? 关于法语疑问句的一点疑问,在简明法语中,谈到疑问句,说:“当疑问句的主语是名词时,主谓语倒装有两种形式”:1.疑问词+ 动词+名词主语(其中举了例子):A quelle heure commence la soiree?还有 根据首字母填空How cool you look i___the new jeans! 法语中疑问句的问题在(疑问词)+名词主语+动词+代词主语结构中,为什么要加代词主语? You jeans are very cool_______ ________ yourjeans________ 法语疑问句问题疑问词+名词主语+动词+代词主语 这种句式怎么句中有两个主语呢? the shirt look cool on you哪里错了太遥远 怎样受人尊敬我觉得一个人学习好并不能受人尊敬,有没有亲具体点回答? 荷兰人名字:Jan A.G.M.van Dijk 如何翻译?杨•范• 迪克 help是不是及物动词 help 是及物还是不及物动词?这里的help指的是救人的意思..They found that a person has to go through two steps _____ he can help.请问应该怎样填呢?不是有短语是 help sb.那么为什么不是填 whom 法语中的疑问句怎么表示? 求一篇第一句为when i was a teenager,my family is poor.的英语完形填空的全文. 英语完形填空 when i was about twelve,i was taken out fordinner with my family... 请问a piece of the American When the sun hit yours eye like a big piece of pie 是哪首歌的歌词?在珠光宝气这部电视剧中,有个场景是舞会中,贵族们在跳交际舞,背景音乐就是这个歌词,我没查到, Nail is from A? .she is a l? tis parents would not let him marry anyone ___family was poorof whomwhose of whose whom The parents would't let her marry anyone.His family was poor.