
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:24:34
物理题,要步骤,过程,答案 英语翻译You must not circulate this book in any other binding or coverand you must impose the same condition on any acquirer ,一个长120m的队伍在行进,一个人从队尾跑到队首,再跑回队尾,跑的时候平均速度一样,返回队尾后队伍位移288m,问这个人所跑路程是多少?急用 急求推荐有关LCD的英文书籍且最好有中文翻译的! --Have you seen Mr.Li today?--No,he is said _______ Wuhan on business.A:to go to B:to have been to C:to have gone to D:to has gone to为什么答案选d不选c? Next Christmas,()you will spend in New Zealand,I'm sure,will be no white Christmas for you!A.in which B.when C.which D.that包括考点,注意事项, My parents used____they had to get a new car for me.A.which B.that c.what D.all what那D为什么不对 求第一题的解释 问几道物理题 过程也要 讲解一下 按标准物理解题格式1. 一物体静止在水中,露出水面的体积为6*10的-3次方立方米,总体积为8*10的-3次方立方米,求物体在水中所受浮力2. 飞艇的体积2000立方米 A、B两物体叠放在一起,当把A、B两物块同时从静止自由释放时(不计空气阻力)则( )A.A的加速度小于g B.B的加速度大于gC.A 、B之间的相互作用力为零 D.A 、B之间的有相互作用力 一个滑雪运动员沿与水平面成30度的斜坡滑下,坡长400米,设运动员下滑时没有使用滑雪杆,他受到的平均阻力【包括摩擦力和空气阻力】为下滑分力的1/5,求:运动员从静止开始到达坡低时的 铅球比赛要求运动员在一固定圆圈内投掷,推出的铅球必须落在40度角的扇形区内(以投掷圈的中心为圆心)在一区内为危险区域如果运动员最多可投七米,那么这一比赛的危险区域至少是多少 英语翻译Soul music is a mixture of blues,gospel,and a little rock and roll.when black people moved from the southern states of the USA to the northern industrial cities,they took their music with them.white artists called the mixture"rhythm and b 5.( )on the shelf was missing.A.One of the booksB.One of the bookC.None of bookD.One of book The books are on the shelf.对吗? put it on the left of the shelf.为什么用on The ones on the shelf.为什么没有谓语? The shelf is ____the door .A.on B.in C.to D.behind 1.Thousands of people were at the airport,____the visiting president.A.cheerd for B.cheered about C.to cheer about D.cheering for2.This reading passage ____two letters ____an agony aunt of a teenage magazine.A.is made of;writing for B.is made up of;w 实际尺寸用英语怎么说实际大小呢 帮我把这段中文翻译成英文【摘要】:本实验的目的是:检测我校(新长校区)自来水是否被微生物污染,对其中的微生物选择适当的培养条件和测定方法,并做平行实验取平均值,以确定自来 帮我把这段中文翻译成英语同学们.新年好..虽然我们认识时间不长..但彼此都有所了解..新年里.我祝福大家都有好成绩啊...一起努力吧!翻译成英语谢谢..优先翻译者追加10分..别骗我哦..我还 英语翻译他能免费帮助我提高我的技术水平He can be free help me improve my technology skill.He can be free help me to improve my technology skill.一句有to ,另一句没有请问哪个翻译正确. 把书整齐的放到书架上用英语怎么说 我的书在书架上用英语怎么说! 书柜里没有英语书 用英语怎么说? 1.He was busy writing a story,only once in a while to smoke a cigarette.A.to stop B.stopping C.to have stop D.having stopped2.(Concern) that he has no qualifications in business management,Ken plans to gain the necessary skills by thakinga part-time --Did Jame come?--I don't know.He ____ while i was out'A.might have come B.might come我也知道A正确的原因.但是想问B错在哪里?本题问的是过去,B选项不正是may的过去式表推测吗? 第一题:Einstein almost knocked me down()he saw the man.A:until B:before C:during D:while第二题:My money().I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have none in handA:has run out B:is running out C:has been run o 外箱用英语怎么说 书柜里有些书 用英语怎么说 柜子里有书 英语怎么说