
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:50:13
the boss keeps the workers working for twelve hours a day这句话哪里错了 1.The workers as well as the boss working all the day yesterday2.Either you or your brothers------(be)coming3.Although my family ------(be)small,my family ------(be)all model workers用所给动词的适当形式填空 12 种时态的句型 谁能帮忙写一下呢. 帮忙翻译so take my hand let's face the world 帮我划分这些句子的主谓宾和 时态i never have any funwhat can i do?i have to be in bed by ten o'clocki have too many rules in my house They will visit West Lake this weekend( 否定句) TheyThey will visit West Lake this weekend( 否定句)They______ ________the WestLake this weekend 一个雅思作文句子语法点分析much of countries has placed a permium on knowledge one can obtain from higher education.请问 one..education 是句子什么成分?如果是从句,为什么没有先行词? 喜欢你的_________.___________________________________读者的赞美词急需. 雅思作文免费批改童鞋们,现在哪儿还有可以免费帮着批改雅思作文,质量又不错的的么?给些信息吧. 1013234.500元大写怎么写 500.4元用汉字大写怎么写? 500.6公斤写成大写应该怎么写 大写的四怎么写 2.5用大写怎么表示 I __the book to the library.When _you_ it?第一句为什么用现在完成时,不用一般过去时?3.I_____the book to the library.When ______ you_____ it?A.have returned; did return B.have returned; have returned C.returned; did return这个为什 3000.5怎样大写 244.5元怎么大写 请问a set of scales是什么? 帮我评论下我的雅思作文(用雅思的标准),评分,评语,改正语法,越细越好同样的题目我写了2篇,不知哪种风格好,In many countries,children participates in some paid work in their spare time.Some people think this i A set of 和 a part of的区别是什么? 肖像描写和外貌描写有何区别?以前老师讲过,时间久了,竟然忘了.惭愧.惭愧.恳求各路英雄相助.拜谢! 木乃伊化 什么意思? —of us has a great time in the party.画“—”的地方是空白,A.Everyone B.Every C.Every one 木乃伊为什么叫做木乃伊? Eech of us had a good time on the Great Wall.同义句转换_____ _____ ______ on the Great Wall 木乃伊为什么会叫木乃伊,它里面又包着什么?看了以1敌百所以会想提问~ 请批改 雅思作文标准There recently has been an intense discussion about the cause of the high sales of consumer goods which is on sale.Some experts think it is just led by the power of advertising.By contrast,some researchers claim the popula where was he last night 该怎么回答 Where ( ) ( is / was ) David last night?选择动词的适当形式填空 请问一下雅思作文5.要求写出什么样的句式呀?假如我句式很简单,词汇也不太高级,但是我的条理很清晰,还有结构也很正确的话有5. 请问在雅思作文中THERE BE 句型可以用什么替换? 求根据中文名起英文名 音译最好本人男 名程堂志 希望各位达人帮我起个英文名,