
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:20:58
汉语在媒体中的变异或创新例如:一步到“胃”----- 一步到位 再举几个这样的例子 数学-化简求值(1)先化简再求值:1+X/1-X÷(X-2X/1-X),其中X=2.(2)化简求值:(a^2+b^2/ab+2)÷a^2-b^2/a-b,其中a=2,b=1/2. I'm thinking of you 翻译成中文是什么意思 I think I 帮我翻译一下Think by youself 中文是什么 英语完形,希望有答案, 英语完形填空,A miser(守财奴)sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold,21 he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and 22 to look at daily.One of his 23 observed his frequent visits 24 the spot and decided to watc smart and creative design couture arts 这是LOSACOS衣服上的英文字母.请各位大虾们帮个忙 文化创新的意义? 英语完形填空求答案刚刚网络出错回复发照片照片上有题 求英语的完形答案?EveryEvery 英语翻译好像是说广告的一个特性 英语问题——完形40My wife and I moved into our home two years ago.We hada yard with a lot of 36 .Very of-ton when W6 haveflowers,Denise or I would plant some between the rocks,just to add some 37 to the area. Last summer,I found a tiny 一道英语完形填空.Two weeks before Christmas one year.I want to London with my mother.I _1_ forget the day.The streets were _2_ people.The shop windows were very bringt.My mother held my hand and we both went into a toy shop.The shop was full 英语 完形填空 两篇都要 中 诸葛亮神机妙算表现在哪?快 草船借箭中诸葛亮神机妙算,表现在哪些地方? 一片英语完形填空 草船借箭中诸葛亮的神机妙算表现在哪? 求英语一道完形的答案Dear Kitty ,I am sorry that Idid not write to you earlier because I have been very 26 ,I was helping with a charity show to raise money 27 Project Green Hope A lot of work needed to finished ,so I did not have much free 在草船借箭中诸葛亮神机妙算在哪?详细说明(在哪个句子中看出的) EXCEL函数高手,能否帮忙编个函数,可以识别输入身份证号输入的正确性?并不是识别身份证号码的真实性,而是避免一些常识性错误,比如出生年月日应该是正常的年月日.日常需要在表格中大量 已知a ÷b(ab为非0自然数)那么a和b的最大公因数是多少,最小公倍数是多少 英语一道完形填空The strange Dr had been loved by someone:he had given his life,as Charley_____,for a cause he believed right.A./ B.had been C.had D.had done本题选C,答案说代指had given his life,但我选了D,请问D和C有区别吗?或 英语完形填空一道(前面说她得了一场病,可能要一辈子躺在轮椅上了) They(doctors?) said that few ,if any ,were able to come back to ___after suffering from this disease .A.active B.normal C.alive D.confident. 关于EXCLE表格函数COLUMN现有公式“=IF(OR($B9="",$D9=""),"",VLOOKUP($D9,商品代码表!$B:$G,COLUMN()-3,0))”,希望高手能帮我说明一下此公式的意思,并详细解释一下公式中“COLUMN()-3”是什么意思, 跪求几道分数应用题的答案1.有一个最简分数,将它的分子、分母同时加上它的分母,分母值变为原来分数的十倍,求原来的分数2.两个数的积是四分之三,和是2,求这两个分数3.二分之一小于X分之 1、4+75/25-2+1/2=2、(5/3-1)-(1/3-1/6)+5/10-1=3、5-(13/6+11/8-17/12)-(2+1/6)=4、5/12-【(8/5+11/30-8/15)-(17/10-7/20)】=5、4/3-【3/4-(2/3-2/7)+3/14】+1+1/6-3/2=第一题答案是:11/2第二题答案是:0第三 跪求这几道计算题答案(要有过程)(1)【3又六分之一-(7.35-五又十二分之一)÷1.02】÷一又三分之一 (2)【二又三分之一+(5.4-二又三分之二)×一又三分之二】÷三又九分之四 (3)一 自然之道作文怎么弄,明天交. 小学自然之道作文怎么写!急 违背自然之道的作文