
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 16:55:08
Jim is ___child in Mr Green's family.He has no brothers or sistersA only a B only the C an alone D the only理由 BEC和CATTI我打算11月考BEC高级,但是又想考CATTI3,时间上重复了,我该怎么办 急:有谁知道CATTI和剑桥商务英语哪个好考,哪个更实用,那托业呢,哪个更好呢 ,请讲解错的原因 判断对错,并说明原因1.一条射线就是一个周角2.直线是一个平角3.平角是一条直线4.两边成一条直线的角是平角 判断对错.错的并说明原因.1.《闻官军收河南河北》是杜甫生平的第一首快诗.2.《凡卡》写的信,爷爷可以收到.3.《草船借箭》中,周瑜自叹不如诸葛亮,成诸葛亮神机妙算.4.“提高”和“效率、 信息技术指的是哪方面的内容?信息技术有什么作用?运用举例 We have achieved still greater success this year than we did last year.为什么句子中用did而不用have done或had done. 完成句子 下周一将有一个去北京动物园的班级访问 There will be———————— next week. She wondered ____ she could have the opportunity to spend ____ here ____ she could learn more about the city.A.if; some time; so that B.how; sometime; so thatC.when; some times; that D.if; some time; such that 我蒙对了 帮我分析分析 .. Tom's mother's only brother's only sister's only chird,who is he?这是一道IQ题.麻烦各位挖掘一下脑细胞, We have----(little) snowfall this year than year.The film Mickey is very----.Children all over the world are-----in seeing it.Look!Some-----(mouse) are eating rice over there.A tortoise has four leg,but it moves very----(slow) There will be an exam next week 的同义句There ____ ____ ____ be an exam next week there will be a volleyball match next week.改为同义句 小学信息技术赛课选什么内容好 Have you ever seen the film Titanic是什么意思 He's Tom's brother.He is only___.这应该填什么? He is Tom's brotherTom's brother提问 there will be a football march next week 用there be句型 改为否定句今天必须回答出来明交 革命先烈的光荣事迹 泰来县革命先烈事迹齐齐哈尔市革命先烈事迹黑龙江省革命先烈事迹全国革命先烈事迹 if you make mistake ,you will be c_ by the teacher 首字母填空 If you like,I will all love you.if you don't like,I will never miss...紧急 Don't speak you love me forever,I never believe you. 猜猜我是谁 英文翻译 walk slowly but never backward.u don't understand me forever这是什么意思 英语翻译 接下来我唱首大家熟悉的哥,你们猜猜我是谁 猜猜我是谁 用英语怎么说是 Guess who I am还是Guess who am I谢谢 猜猜我是谁英语猜猜我是谁 猜猜我是谁?英语怎么说? There( )a football game next week A.is B.be C.is going to be D.will There will be a Sports Day next mouth.分别写出否定句、一般疑问句、同义句.