
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:55:48
数学22222..请告诉过程哈...已知点A(3,0),B(-5,8),求经过A点与B点,且与X轴相切的圆方程? I will come back啥意思? We have all read storise about movie stars committing suicide or dying from drugs.committing suicide or dying from drugs是作什么成分?求语法讲解! 英语翻译翻译:will not forget you.Waiting for you come back .i hope you come back .the first contact is me Look at the picture.It means an English word.What is it?(一个小男孩在游泳,嘴里叫着“Dad”)A.Help B.Season C.Father D.Water ____learn English.Look____the pictureCan you ____it,please?Yes,R-o-S-E,rose.What____is it.It's____Does it__like a girl's name.YEs,you're_____ take you down 谁告诉我”take you You take me 貌似是歌词里的.原句应该是“It's one long night.You take me down.” 看图,写英语作文.开头:look at the picture看图,写英语作文.开头: look at the picture of mike's home.Everyone(忙碌).Dad is. Jack read a story about history yesterday.对read到history五个单词提问,___ ___Jack ___ yesterday? The story__ I read the newspaper was about a common problem among teenagers.A where Bthat bring sth to sb还是bring sth for sb?如果都可以,有什么区别? Nobody but Mary and her sister __(know) where he is from I know where he come _______填介词quiter qutest! 用五笔打土字旁+于 非常感谢emily和stella对此事的大力支持~英文怎么说?非常感谢emily和stella对此事的 及时的 大力支持 Emily Dickinson生活的时代背景 英文描述. 求The Script - If You Ever Come Back中英文歌词 这是哪位动漫人物?Please tell me .Think you! wonder girls的nobody 中的i want nobody nobody but you Could you please_____(tell) us a story? Please tell me the way you thought of -----the garden.A take care of B to take of C taking care of D how to take care of 步字多一个土字旁五笔怎样拆 There is _________ news about this movie star in the newspaper.Where can I get some?A.many B.a few C.a lot D.little To be a movie star 的英语作文成为一名电影明星是很多年轻人的梦想,荧屏上他们会给人带来无限快乐,荧屏下他们更是风光无限.如果你成为一名电影明星,你会有怎样的感受?请以 To be a movie star 翻译一下the film star is interviewed by the newspaper reporter 英语翻译Mr Brown’s house was less than two miles from his office,so he could drive home every day for lunch.Every time he drove home at noon,he found many cars outside his house and there was no room for his own car.He had to drive somewhere el 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 The sea is miles a_ form our house. I know the place where you live还是know the place where you live in When you finish ,put the book back______it was.A.where B at which Cthe place Dthe place that哪个对定语从句关系副词不是等于at which吗?B选项可以吗? the cat seemed to know where to get back off 的意思,get back off would you please tell the story _your own words A by B in C on D with