
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:01:17
以“主动”为题的议论文该从何入手,开头该怎样写 在心底深处,总有一个一碰即痛的地方,用英语怎么翻译啊? 谁都别想再次触动我的内心英语翻译 lt in a pen缩写 我的心好痛 谁帮忙翻译成英文啊 快点 谢谢 \"因为很爱,所以每天会想你,但是心很痛,你知道吗,傻瓜\" 这句话的英文怎么翻译 He must be at home.改为否定推测 哪位朋友帮翻译一句话成英文谢谢.我的心好痛好痛,你能感受到吗 He must be at home now,___ ___?反意疑问句 应该填什么 He must be at home.为什么用be? he must be at home 如何构成反意疑问句 He must be at home 的一般疑问句 Hkey中的H是什么的缩写hkey是主键的意思,那请问“主键”的“主”是英文里面哪个以H开头的英文单词? 什么单词的英文缩写,为什么不叫yellow 帮助分析个英语句子:I've just had my hair cut .请问这个句子用了哪些短语和句型.have ,had,cut 在这...帮助分析个英语句子:I've just had my hair cut .请问这个句子用了哪些短语和句型.have ,had,cut 在这个 为什么消防栓上有H R的标志,是什么英文单词的缩写? 三“W”一“H”是哪几个单词的缩写3"w",1"h"是what why how 还有那个单词的缩写? 解析句型:I have my hair cut如题 液位调节仪表缩写 英语句子求用英文翻译...1、我的心早已经感觉不到任何事情. my hair is too long,i will ----tomorrow!Acut it Bhave it cut 为什么是B?A哪里错了 请问clever的比较级是more clever还是cleverer?friendly的比较级是more friendly 还是friendlier? friendly的比较级是friendlier还是more friendly,如果两者一样,他们有区别么?还是新旧版本的用法RT,人教版的英语书,8年上册中friendly的比较级是friendlier,可到了下册却改成了more friendly.字典和老师平 今天幼儿园给孩子布置作业,用西瓜子或白瓜子做小动物,怎么做呀?谁会?以前用树叶做过. I would have come to see you earlier.But I ____ too busy.A.had been B.wouldI would have come to see you earlier.But I ____ too busy.A.had been B.would be C.was D should be 选什么 要详解 If she would have really wanted to see me ,she would have come earlier.为什么 would have really wanted改成 had wanted? get a hair cut和get one's hair cut 有啥区别吗 如何判断一个形容词的比较级或最高级是加more most还是自己词上变为er est?还有more most前要不要加the 副词比较级和最高级怎么变,什么情况加more和most,什么情况加er和est I would have come sooner but I _________ that you were waiting.A didn"t know B don"t know C hadn"t known D haven"t known I would have come to see you _____ ,but I was so busy then.A)if it would be possible B)if it were I would have come to see you _____ ,but I was so busy then.A)if it would be possibleB)if it were possibleC)was it possibleD)had it been possible 怎样用树叶做小动物