
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:16:16
what he has done is really().Now his parents are () with him.括号中的单词用disppoint的形式填空 为什么古埃及人被称为尼罗河女儿 《尼罗河女儿》里的曼菲士王是古埃及的哪个法老?如题. 古埃及历史学家进来啊1.哈特谢苏里特当过法老没有?她最终有没有篡权?2.十三十四王朝是不是并立的?3.在六王朝的佩比二世以后怎么还有一为女法老(尼特奥克斯)呢?4.古埃及一般指的是哪段 My sister can speak three f___ lauguages--English,French and Japanese该怎么做? 在英语中,可以用be of结构加上抽象名词构成形容词,那么副词是如何通过介词结构来构成的呢?搞忘了这个副词构成了,请大家给我说下.P.S.有次一个网友给我说他大学英语过A了,那么他的英语是 《 周礼 》一书在当时起到的作用 bid-ask spread是什么意思 “周礼”是一种什么性质的规范体系?实际上起了什么作用? 周礼的作用是? 周礼的作用是什么 These are [Danny's]shorts.They are [WangZgang's]pahts.The puir of shoesis [biack]They are [socks]提问 不好意思了谢啦啊 only one!like you.my life. 墨子的主要科学活动及贡献是什么?如题 墨子的弟子都有谁?成就如何? 墨子有哪些科学发明? Orders with indefinite delivery dates are accepted upon the understanding that Seller shall have theOrders for Indefinite Delivery.Orders with indefinite delivery dates are accepted upon the understanding that Seller shall have the right to fill such have to see more patients at the( expense )of quality.问expense 是短语还是名词?Primary care phyysicians have to see more patients at the( expense )of quality.请问expense在这里是以牺牲...为代价,它是短语还是名词? you should be friendlyand get on well with other 里的other 要不要加S 那为什么 i like helping others 要加S The best students should go to the best schools正方观点,字数100左右,词典直译的就不要来了哈 下列句子的两个人称代词 你 有什么表达效果如题,句子为:黄土高原哪,你生养了这些元气淋漓的后生,也只有你,才能承受如此惊心动魄的搏击! 用人称代词,相互代词,指示代词各造一句 找出下列句中的人称代词,愿子还而视之臣有骏马欲买之花落时节又逢君尔安敢轻吾射汝亦知射乎尝贻余核舟一予谓菊,花中隐逸者也彼与彼年相若也 I shoud listen to whan she said. 简述周礼的大致分类如题谢谢 周礼与儒家文化的关系是怎样的? 说明下列各句中的代词按其作用填入相应的方框中.1、—This nice bike is for you.—Thank you,dad.2、—My father is a doctor.What about yours?—He is a teacher.3、You have more oranges than I,but I don't think your oranges are 将下列各句中的代词按其作用填入相应的方框中.1、—This nice bike is for you.—Thank you,dad.2、—My father is a doctor.What about yours?—He is a teacher.3、You have more oranges than I,but I don't think your oranges are bet 将下各句中的代词按其作用填入相应的方框中.1、—This nice bike is for you. —Thank you,dad.2、—My father is a doctor.What about yours? —He is a teacher.3、You have more oranges than I,but I don't think your oranges are 解释下列句子中字的代词皆讥笑之 之:诟其侄曰 其:汝胡不早问 汝:致余忘之 余: 我想在网上交个外国朋友,单纯想交朋友会英语的想了解他们的文化,还可以提高英语,就是不知该怎么找?求有人告诉我天涯里面可以办到,可我找了半天也没有,有人知道吗?跪谢 下面两个句子中哪个之是代词?A.久之,不语,疑为鬼也.B.愈益恐,因奋力挤之桥下而趋