
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 11:20:47
英语翻译The venue is willing to build the wall and to promote the 20 year history of theXXXX to its 1000 attendees.这句最后说的to its 1000 attendees是说历年来总共达到1000个参展者还是说 终于达到今年这样1000个参展 把下列每一组句子合并成一句话.并把合并后的句子译成中文1. There is a touch of arrogance(几分傲慢) in the way Jimmy Connors moves around the tennis court (网球场). 2. His shoulders are hunched. 3. His head is s GPI的中文意思 初一上册仁爱版英语UNIT3知识点提纲,(注:重点短语,句子等等.最好英语汉语都写)谢谢各位了~~! 把句子合并成宾语从句When did he leave here?Do you know? 用宾语从句合并句子1.What did they think of?Do you know?2.Does Mr Brawn live in Room 302?Could you tell me?3.DOES your mother go to work by bike or foot?I wanted to know it.4.what do they need He asked.5.He won't come.He told us.6.I am sorry- 将下列句子合并成宾语从句Peter asked.Where there be an English party this Saturday.Peter asked.Will there be an English party this Saturday. 上面那句打错了 宾语从句合并句子He has five children.they all went to the same school.The scientist’s work is very important.He has been given a medal recently. 英语翻译请不要在课堂上大声说笑 ____ ____ ____ ____ loudly in class .4个空 不要在课堂上讲笑话.英语翻译 4ab方-8a方b 我们在课堂上经常讲英语翻译 经历了从青铜器,钢铁,金属铝等金属一直到当今的各种性能优异的合金,运用所学的知识解释这个发展史? 下列有关合金的说法正确的是 ( D ) A.组成合金的元素必须是两种或两种以上的金属 B.铝热剂是铝合金 C.下列有关合金的说法正确的是 ( D )A.组成合金的元素必须是两种或两种以上的金属B.铝热 仿写句子:这么大的一块石头,是从哪里来的呢? 这块奇怪的石头是一位天外来客.这句话如何仿写 语文老师的讲课方法很有趣怎样写英文 用英语翻译:在课堂上进行小组讨论很有趣 1.His birthday is August 10th(改为一般疑问句) 英语翻译急, 怎样判断粒子半径大小? 芹菜的食用部分? 芹菜的成分是什么 说下? 主要吃芹菜的那部分 芹菜培养基有哪些成分? “分米”的英文简写厘米是cm,像这样的英文简写分米怎么写?还有其他单位的英文简写也能提供更好. 这张图啥意思,经常看到 平方分米简写是? 这张图 看到脱离或者聚拢 因式分解的一道题X^2-4 这句英语怎么翻译啊You make me smile&cry, make me feel the joy of love.Thank you for all the love yoYou make me smile&cry, make me feel the joy of love.Thank you for all the love you always give to me , to MUTOU. 因式分解 一道题1-(4x^2)-(4y^2)+8xy