
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:13:12
How many picture-books do you have?急用! 英语翻译Dear Dr Know.I'm not happy.Ihave toomany rules in my house.Ihave to get up at sixo'colock every moening.Ican't meet my friends after schol because I have to do my homework.Ican't watch TV on school nights.And I have to be in bed by ten o' 英语翻译Je me souviens .De nos éclats de rire .Meme si ça partait de rien .Quel plaisir .Tu savais bien .Deviner mes angoisses .Avec des p'tits mots malins .Pour que ça passe .Parfois les choses sont difficiles à dire,Mais toi seu NO picture you say a no pic you say a 网络用语大全 怎么查今年生物地理的会考分数?求高手解答(我是四川省成都市的) 近几年成都地理生物会考的试卷(我想要试卷类的,最好能够有答案, 谢谢你的表扬,我会再接再厉.用英语怎么说 孩子上课时注意力不集中怎么办?孩子在家时一让他写作业 他一会说渴了出去喝点水一会又说有尿又出去,总之不是这事就是那事就是不能专心写作业 外面有点动静他也惦记看看 有时还接大 小孩上课注意力不集中怎么办?孩子注意力不集中,上课走神,请问是病态吗?需要药物治疗吗?听朋友说,小孩子缺钙会产生好动,易怒等症状,请大家说说, 英语翻译英语翻译(英译中)cut down threes and forests_____________________ "谢谢你的夸奖和鼓励",用英语怎么表达呢 ___great fun they have ___on the playground A.What a;to play B.What;playing C.How a;to play D.How ;playing They have great fun in the park.的意思. They have fun in the park.的同义词? They all have great fun ( ) the show.A.on B.at C.to D.with. 他看起来很白英语怎么说 白色看起来很清爽,和其他任何颜色都配用英语怎么说white ( )and( ) 英语翻译我叫^^^,来自徐州.关于我的家乡呢,就不多做介绍了.因为我们班大多数人都是徐州老乡.我也不知道为什么来到这里,既然来了就会努力完成学业.我平常喜欢玩游戏,但同样也喜欢看书. 英语翻译They made beautiful wooden buildings with pictures cut into the wood 英语翻译But if the observer shifts position and look "down" the wall,then these lines cease to appear parallel and level with the ground and instead appear to come together as they recede.请大家不要在网上或用软件整句翻译,很容 英语翻译A circle of radius 2 rolls completely around the inside perimeter of a square of side 10.What distance is covered by the centre of the circle? 英语翻译They are not losing their traditions because they pass them on to their children 英语翻译As it was getting darker,I drove slowly 请介绍一下有什么适合高中生看的英语杂志. 绅士风度用英语怎么说 They have taken some photos.改为一般疑问句, 世博会手抄报内容大概内容就行 你想赞美你同学的新衣服漂亮时用英语怎么说 Though you have taken lots of ______,you have to do the ____on page 35.(exercise)正确答案给的是 exercise,exercises.请问为什么第一个不能是复数,exercise做练习讲不是可数名词吗? It is they have seen lots of American films that the learners of English have .It is _____ they have seen lots of American films that the learners of English have been used to American accents.A as B for C since D because countryside,took,they,photos,of,in,lots,thecountryside,took,they,photos,of,in,lots,the连词成句