
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:25:07
下面4个句子是从语段横线处抽出的,请根据语境排列沈从文在“文革”期间,陷入了非人的境地.可他毫不在意,他在咸宁是给他的表侄——画家黄永玉写信说:“这里的荷花真好.你若来····· 在横线处填入恰当词语,使语段完整.(要求是排比句)奥运会美不胜收:举重是拔山盖世之美,短跑是____之美,花样游泳是芙蓉出水之美,_______之美,_______之美,奥运会 下面语段的横线上应填入的恰当句子是( )初春,丁香花浓香馥郁花飞全城;深秋,浓绿的叶子也久久不肯落下;就是到了严冬,他那无叶的枝条依然挺立,抵御着北方的风寒和干旱,孕育着一个 “有一个人,只有一个人” 用英语怎么翻译 人们说的 SOHO SOHO族又是什么意思呢? MO族指哪些职业?MO族一般指哪些职业?不要太长篇的~ 自由职业MO族怎么样才能成为MO族,要达到什么条件?直接说条件就OK了 Jim can see mo more改同义句Jim____ see____ ____.题打错了是no 1.从警察局逃跑( )2.至少和我的鞋子同一尺寸( ) Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess.(reason后面从句和reason的关系,定语从句吗)He didn't go to bed until I came back home.(对until I came back home 强调) it is like you only here for a little 大学英语提问:1.the statistics ( )that living standards in the area have improved drastically主谓一致:1.the statistics ( ) that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent year.(a)proves (b)is improving (c)are improv we have had figures which show that something like up to 50% of a typical building’s electricity costs go on lighting,,这句怎么翻译呢?请高手也将这个which的定语从句的成分划分下,语法也说下好吗?这个句子好难呀 Thank you alwaya stay with me 什么 意思? 问两个英语问题The teacher was angry ? Jim for his being late for school again.A.with B.of C.on D.in选哪个?为什么选这个?凯特不再住在这里了.Kate ? live here ? ?.填什么?还有为什么这样填? 问两个英语的问题There was no way Germany was going to offer these people citizenship.这句话中的that为什么省略了?After all,Indian entrepreneurs accounted for every three Silicon Valley start-ups.翻译一下这句话,后半部分感 问两个英语问题哦.请问:1,prevente...from doing st与keep...from doing st,与stop...doing st.是不是同意词组?2,代词those/that与ones有什么区别?1 有没有stop...from doing st这个词组?2 those与ones在用法上有什么区 一个关于英语的问题,很纠结.I like ()a lot ,and my mother usually cooks it in different ways.A.fish B.butter C.potatoes D.noodles 我认为A.B都行,科答案就是选A,那B不也是不可数名词吗,不会因为它有涂黄油的意思就 我对你没有恨 英文翻译 1.There are 1,200 students in this primary school,90%___are from the countryside.A.of whom B.of them选A,B为什么不可以呢?2.The boy sat under the trees chatting and seeing their teacher ,____up in no time.A.standing B.stood选B,A呢?不是表 泛黄、书 50页、You said u always be with me.:м俄要 德 、 谁 来给我 泛黄,书 50页泛黄,书 50页.You said u always be with me在一个朋友的签名看到.百度也搜了了一下.好像还很流行.是什么?主要是 泛黄,书 50页 这几个字的意思? 电影《true man show》怎么样 行为动词过去式Name No. Date这三个词的行为动词的过去式 He is the most careful boy ____(我所知道的) 16.He is the most careful boy _____ I know.A.what B.which C.as D../ 宾补 知识讲解 总结哪些动词后跟动词不定式做宾补 Milk the cow seek和fina还有look for的区别 During the summer you should be even more careful than usual about the food you prepare. 刚刚做短文改错遇到这个句子,这个句子答案说没问题,但我想问那个 summer之类表季节的不是不用冠词的吗? Can you be ... always with me ?什么意思 you are always with me?