
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:38:06
问一道高一物理题关于能量守恒能源的开发与利用时人类共同研究的重大课题.谁能使可再生能源,可持续地利用它来发电,为人类提供清洁的能源.若一水力发电站的水的平均流量为Q(m三次方/ 问一道高一物理题下表是通过测量得到的一辆摩托车沿直线加速运动时速度随时间的变化.0 5 10 15 20 25 300 10 20 30 20 10 0 1.___in through,the general manager didn't notice his honored guests had aleeady arrived.A.Laid B.Buried C.Placed D.Missing2.Seeing his wife___in the burning hotel,the husband felt___at fiest.A,trapped;frightening B.to be trapped;frightened C.trappin 1.Astronomers unveiled a new candidate Wednesday in their research for an Earth-like planet outside our solar system in a 'habitable' zone,______just right for conditions that could support life.(C)which B.that C.one D.one is2.One doesn`t know,till o 初二上物理.帮忙做一下 小字怎么写好看?我用中性笔,在有小格子的纸上写.谁能教教我怎么让字舒展些,不要都粘在一起. 请问什么是舰艇的干舷经常看到书上说干舷过低,影响海试 请问什么是船只的干舷值?如题~很多文章都介绍干舷和干舷甲板,但是对干舷值的解说都不够明确,请问谁可以详细解释一下什么是干舷值? 船舶空载干舷高如何确定 有耐心,能详细解释清楚的人来.1The expporer wrote in his report that the river is now ________A:as wide as three times B:three times its ortginalC:three times as its original widthD:wider three times than its original width 2:We 高三英语语法问题.谁帮我解析一下!.1.—Have you heard about that school bus accident?—Yes, fortunately all. on board including the driver ______.A. were saved B. was saved C. have saved D. has been saved疑问:我选择了D 错 高一物理必修一第一章第四节(问题与练习)的答案(步骤详细一点)谢谢! 求一篇400字-500字的作文:妈妈(或爸爸)的爱作文要求:1.400字-500字(350字也可,总之,要一面方格稿)2.开头别啰嗦3.第一段:可引用一句古诗或名言起头.第二段:开头:有一次……;事情 、Parents are advised to take pressure ____ a child and give him some encouragement before an exam.A、off B、over C、from D、to -Did you receive my letter?-I received one just as i ( )A.set B.had set out C.was setting out D.would set out 1.Talking on the phone for over 30 minutes ______ be as harmful as listening to music at high volume through headphones for over an hour.A.must B.shall C.can D.should 2.Raising children is said to be a job parents receive the least formal training.A. People should spare no efforts to protect the environment.______.Air pollution does harm to our health.A.ran out of B.running out of C.running out D.ran out 付出的反义词 付出的反义词是什么 粤语说够皮拉做老衬是什么意思? 实搵老衬 是什么意思?粤语中“是什么意思? 粤语说咪当我老衬是什么意思四五揸起手震 博有啤好"MUN"点知跌只三 又派只二送尾起只「烟」添 认真够运 粤语 合衬是什么意思 大字和小字分别是什么字体? The ()shoes were covered with mud ,so I asked them to take them off before themgot into ()car .A.girl 's,Tom 's B.girls ’,Toms’C.girls ',Tom 's D.girl 's,Toms'为什么选C啊 高三英语,求大神帮忙解释下这个句子Try as, she might,Sue couldn't get the door open.这句话结构是怎样的啊,try后面为什么加as? 几道高三英语单项求大神详解 >In his lecture,the professor referred to the belief,in contrast to all other countries,____the elderly are wise,___is particularly dominant (占优势的)in the Chinese culture.A.that; one that B.tha 1、汽车自O点由静止开始在公路上做匀加速直线运动,途中依次经过P、Q两根电线杆所用的时间为6s,已知两电线杆相距60m,车经过Q点的速率为15m/s,求汽车经过P时的速率?OP间的距离? 解释一个历史题(阅读题)材料一 唐太宗说:"往昔初平京师,宫中美女珍玩,无院不满.炀帝意犹不足,征求不已,兼东西征讨,穷兵X(一个黑字加上一个卖字)武,百姓不堪,遂致亡灭.此皆朕所目见.故X( 几条阅读题 因为最近我们考试抓阅读题抓得比较紧 我也想练习练习 刚才发现几篇 好几个地方不太懂(二)Water is very important to people.We must drink water every day.We can’t live without water.Water is every 1、做匀变速直线运动的物体,在第一秒内的平均速度比在0~2秒内的平均速度大2m/s,而位移小4m,求物体运动的初速度和加速度各是多少?2、一物体从h高处自由咯下,经过最后200m所用的时间是4秒、 沈阳哪儿外教教孩子英语?,求办法~~~