
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:30:06
高手帮我改几个句子列It rained yesterday 改:Yes,and it will wain tomorrow ,too就按上面的来改好吗?1 .It snowed yesterday.2 He got up late yesterday3.He arrived late yesterday4.He finished work late yesterday5.She drove to London y 帮忙改几个句子吧 急chinese food of restaurantThe firstly we should make the chinese food of restaurant known by TV advertise.The secondly we should make promotion book and picture album which introduce our product to known by customer.The th 帮忙改修改几个小句子Tian’anmen Gate is the Center of beijing that is the Capital of china . Tian’anmen Gate is South side of Imperial Palace,and near the changan road .on October 1, 1949 The People's Republic of China has held the found 当生活枯燥,感觉不到快乐怎么办/ 求科技著作读后感.昆虫记算不算科技著作?读后感大约800字以上,重在“感”.最重要的是,昆虫记算科技著作吗? 里小鸟的台词.英语. 急求!急求!急求! 照样子,填词语:) 加湿器中加入什么好 在单位有个小人,他很能拍马屁,跟领导处的非常好,我性格内向有点老实,最近发现他总在别的同事面前说我坏话,有时还拿话点我,给我听!这些天我不愿意理他!但他在单位人缘好,我也没得罪过 什么动物跑的追快? 妈妈今年46岁,女儿22岁,几年前妈妈的年龄是女儿的4倍? 妈妈今年46岁,女儿今年16岁,几年前妈妈的年龄是女儿的年龄的7倍?用三种方法解答 《消防法》对使用明火和作业有什么规定? 外墙沟槽是指哪个部位? 沟槽中的槽底比降是什么意思? 挖沟槽是干么什么使的挖地坑是为了放基础,挖沟槽式为了放基础梁?是这么个意思吗? 若直线L1:y-2=(k-1)x和直线若直线L1:y-2=(k-1)x 和直线L2关于y=x+1对称,则直线L2恒过定点A.(2,0) B.(1,—1) C.(1,1) D.(—2,0)请写一下为什么选C 若直线l1为y=k(x-4)与直线l2关于点(2,1)对称,则直线L2过定点? 含有charge 的一个短语,意思是“罚款”的 《渔家傲》词的上闚写出了“塞下秋景”的哪些特点? 直线l1:x+2y-3=0和直线来l2:x-3y+1=0的夹角θ= 直线x-3y-6=0和直线x+2y-3=0的夹角为 三国里的西凉是现在的什么地方 用适当短语填空fight with as…as possible fit…into not…until… find out mr sun work hard and he does()go to bed ()12 0‘clock every nightwe should read ()much ()to open up our eyesmany parents ( 用适当的短语填空I usually( )at six o'clock.I have milk and bread( ).After breakfast I take a shower,and then I( ).I get to school at eight o'clock.I have four classes in the moring.I have lunch at school.( ),I have two chasses.I get home at f 海鲈鱼和淡水鲈鱼的区别请说说详细,买鲈鱼怎么区分这两种鱼 海鲈鱼的做法 西凉是现在的什么地方? charge这个词怎么用? charge这个词怎么解释啊 帮毛写一篇崇尚科学,反对邪教的作文1500字的摆脱急急急! 已知:弦长为2,半径为1.25,求:弓形面积.